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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,981 - 135,000건 출력
  • 134981
    Book Info
    The prince of Wales: a poem
  • 134982
    Book Info
    The principal acts of the General Assembly, of the Church of Scotland; conveened at Edinburgh March the 6th. 1702 ...
    Church of Scotland
  • 134983
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    The principles of a member of the black list; set forth by way of dialogue
    Mackworth, Humphrey
  • 134984
    Book Info
    The privileges of the House of Lords and Commons argued and stated, in two conferences between both Houses. April 19, and 22, 1671. To which is added a discourse, wherein the rights of the House of Lords are truly asserted. With learned remarks on the seeming arguments, and pretended precedents, offered at that time against their Lordships. Written by the Right Honourable Arthur, Earl of Anglesey,
    Anglesey, Arthur Annesley
  • 134985
    Book Info
    The proceedings and tryals of the players in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, held at the King's-Bench bar at Westminster, on Munday the 16th of February, 1701/2. Before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Holt, for the most Abominable, Impious, Prophane, Lewd. immoral expressions, contain'd in their plays, Acted by them at divers times; but particularly one, call'd, Love for love: and another, call'd
    Verbruggen, John
  • 134986
    Book Info
    The proceedings of the Right Honourable the House of Lords, in relation to the Bill for taking, examining, and stating the publick accounts of the kingdom; together with the Amendments made to the said bill, which were rejected by the House of Commons the last Session of Parliament, made publick, in order to vindicate John Parkhurst, and John Paschal, Esquires: with some remarks in justification o
    England | Wales
  • 134987
    Book Info
    The progress of the Christian pilgrim, from this present world, to the world to come. In two parts. Written by way of dream: Discovering The Difficulties of his setting sorth, the Hazards of his Journey, and his safe Arrival at the heavenly Canaon
  • 134988
    Book Info
    The queen's famous progress, or; Her Majesty's royal journey to the Bath, and happy return. With the most remarkable particulars of her royal entertainment at Oxford, and Glorious and Triumphant Reception at the Bath, and all other places going and coming thence; Her liberal Bounty to the Poor, and touching many of the Evil: As also how 200 Virgins cloathed in white met the Queen, with Bows and Ar
  • 134989
    Book Info
    The reasonableness of believing the Trinity, and incarnation of the Son of God, asserted. A sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, March the 2d. 1701/2. Being the third for the year 1702. of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 134990
    Book Info
    The report of the physicians and surgeons, commanded to assist At the Dissecting the Body of His Late Majesty at Kensington, March the Tenth MDCCI/II. From the Original delivered to the Right Honorable the Privy Council
  • 134991
    Book Info
    The representative of London and Westminster in Parliament, examined and consider'd. Wherein Appears the Antiquity of most of the Burroughs in England; with the Proportions, whereby every County is over or under Represented, according to a Scale from the Royal Aid Assesments; by which appears that Middlesox is found to be Represented but one Tenth part of it's due Proportion; unto which a Remedy i
    Lacy, John
  • 134992
    Book Info
    The request of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, concerning fit ministers to be sent abroad for that good purpose
    United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
  • 134993
    Book Info
    The resolution of the States General of the United Provinces, upon the mournful occasion of the death of His late Majesty of Great Britain, William the Third, of glorious memory. ... An extract taken from the register of the resolutions of the high and mighty lords, the States-General of the United-Provinces. Saturday, March 25. 1702
    United Provinces of the Netherlands
  • 134994
    Book Info
    The resolution of the States General of the United Provinces, upon the mournful occasion of the death of His late Majesty of Great Britain, William the Third, of glorious memory. ... An extract, taken from the register of the resolutions of the high and mighty lords, the States-General of the United-Provinces. Saturday March 25. 1702
    United Provinces of the Netherlands
  • 134995
    Book Info
    The restauration of the royal family, a blessing to three kingdoms: a thanksgiving sermon preached at St. Alphage Church on The Anniversary thereof May 29th, 1702; by Philip Stubs M.A. Rector of the Parish, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable George Earl of Huntingdon. Published at the Request of its Auditors
    Stubs, Philip
  • 134996
    Book Info
    The rod, or the sword. The present dilemma of the nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland, considered, argued, and improved; in a discourse from Ezekiel, chap.XXI. Ver.xiii. By Robert Fleming, V.D.M.
    Fleming, Robert
  • 134997
    Book Info
    The said respondents case. Josiah Thwaits the Son of James, the Son of William Thwaits by Dorothy his Mother - Appellant. John Deye Respondent
    Deye, John
  • 134998
    Book Info
    The scots Act of Parliament: or, the declaration of the estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, containing their claim of right, and the settlement of the succession on Her Majesty Queen Anne; with The Coronation Oath of that Kingdom, and the Act for continuing the present Parliament upon His Majesty's death
  • 134999
    Book Info
    The scottish historical library: containing a short view and character of most of the writers, records, registers, law-books, &c. Which may be serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of Scotland, down to the union of the two kingdoms in K. James the VI. By W. Nicolson, Arch-Deacon of Carlisle
    Nicolson, William
  • 135000
    Book Info
    The scripturalist's Christian condescension considered. Or, an answer to this query: ...