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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,021 - 135,040건 출력
  • 135021
    Book Info
    The triumph of wit; or, ingenuity display'd in its perfection: being the newest and most useful academy. In three parts Part I Containing Variety of excellent Poems. Pastorals, Satyrs, Dialogues, Epigrams, Anagrams, Acrosticks, choice Letters with their Answers, Epitaphs, Poe[tr]ies, Titles of Honour and Directions, Complemental Expressions and Addresses: Also Directions relating to Love and Busin
    J. S
  • 135022
    Book Info
    The triumphs of William III. King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland. Containing A short Account of the most Remarkable Battles, Sieges, Sea-Fights, Treaties and Famous Atchievements of the Princes of the House of Nassau, &c. Curiously engraven in 62 figures on Copper-Plates: With their Histories. Described in Triumphal Arches, Piramids, Pictures, Inscriptions and Devices, erected at the Hag
    Beek, J
  • 135023
    Book Info
    The true character of a Church-Man, shewing the false pretences to that name. Together with The character of a Low church-man drawn in answer to it. With remarks
    West, Richard
  • 135024
    Book Info
    The true character of a church-man, shewing the false pretences to that name
    West, Richard
  • 135025
    Book Info
    The true character of a church-man, shewing the false pretences to that name.
    West, Richard
  • 135026
    Book Info
    The true character of a virtuous wife, being a Wedding sermon Preached on Board the English Admiral; Wherein a Virtuous Wife is compar'd both unto a Merchants Ship, and a Man of War
  • 135027
    Book Info
    The true interest and political maxims of the Republick of Holland and West-Friesland. In three parts. The First Treating of Liberty in General. Of Manufactures. Fisheries. Traffick. Navigation. Toleration of Religion. A General Naturalization. Freedom from Imposts. Impartial Justice; and Settling of Colonys. Part II. and III. Of a Free Navigation, and clearing the Seas. Of War and Peace. Of Treat
    Court, Pieter de la
  • 135028
    Book Info
    The true picture of a modern Tory: in a dialogue between Jack and Ned; two agents for the Jacobite party
  • 135029
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    The true picture of an ancient Tory, in a dialogue between Vassal a Tory, and Freeman a Whig
  • 135030
    Book Info
    The true secret history of the lives and reigns of all the kings and queens of England, from King William the first, called, the Conquerour. To which is prefixed an abstract of the general history of each reign. Collected (chiefly) from original manuscripts, and the most valuable Private Memoirs, and Authentick Historians. By a person of honour. With a table of the principal matters
    Somers, John Somers
  • 135031
    Book Info
    The truth of the matter, in a letter to a member of Parliament
  • 135032
    Book Info
    The tryal of Richard Hathaway, upon an information for being a cheat and impostor, for endeavouring to take away the life of Sarah Morduck, for being a witch, at Surrey assizes, begun and held in the Burrough of Southwark, March the 24th, 1702. In Which Is discovered the malicious Designs of the said Impostor, with an Account of his pretended Inchantments and Witchcraft. Before the Right Honourabl
    Hathaway, Richard
  • 135033
    Book Info
    The tryal of William Fuller, upon an information for being an impostor, and of ill name and reputation: Falsely, Maliciously, Wickedly and Seditiously Contriving, Practising and Intending the late King William and his Subjects Falsely and Unlawfully to delude and deceive, and Discords between the said late King and his Peers, and the Noblemen of this Kingdom, to excite and stir up, by publishing t
    Fuller, William
  • 135034
    Book Info
    The tryal, sentence, and condemnation of fidelity, as it was lately acted on the publick stage. With a dialogue between corruption and fidelity: Wherein is Discovered The Vitious and Corrupt Practices of those who publickly Exclaim against the Members, and Proceedings of True English Parliaments. Together with several queries, necessary to be considered. Most humbly Dedicated to the Honourable, th
  • 135035
    Book Info
    The unhappy favourite: or, the Earl of Essex. A tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal, by their Majesties servants. Written by John Banks.
    Banks, John
  • 135036
    Book Info
    The universal monitor: or, a general dictionary of moral and divine precepts. To which is added a table of duties commanded and sins forbidden, both in the Old and New Testament. A work as necessary for the perusal of Persons of all Perswasions, as it is useful for Publick Schools and Private Families
  • 135037
    Book Info
    The use of the Lord's prayer vindicated and asserted, against the objections of innovators & enthusiasts. Translated from the French original, written by Monsieur D'Espagne, a Learned Presbyterian
    Espagne, Jean d'
  • 135038
    Book Info
    The vanity of mens laughter, and of their merry amusements in their idle hours. Consider'd in a sermon upon Ecclesiastes II. 1,2. By Edward Grove A. M. Rector of Chevington near Bury, in the County of Suffolk
    Grove, Edward
  • 135039
    Book Info
    The vision, or a prospect of death, heav'n and hell. With a description of the resurrection and the day of judgment. A sacred poem. By M. Smith, Gent.
    Smith, Marshall
  • 135040
    Book Info
    The visions of Dom Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, ... Made English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knt.
    Quevedo, Francisco de