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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,061 - 135,080건 출력
  • 135061
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    To do good, the duty and happiness of man. In several discourses upon Heb. 13. 16. By Henry Parsley, A. M. Rector of Smarden in the County of Kent
    Parsley, Henry
  • 135062
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    To the Right Honourable Sir George Rooke, Vice Admiral of England, &c. At His Return from His Glorious Enterprize near Vigo. 1702
    Tooke, Charles
  • 135063
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    To the honoured Cavendish Weedon, Esq; upon his excellent and pious entertainment of divine musick, perform'd at Stationers-Hall
  • 135064
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    To the most serene and potent Princess, Ann of Scotland, England, France and Ireland Queen. The Humble and Hearty address, of A great many of Your Majesties Subjects Presbyterians, of the Church of Scotland, whose maxims are knowen to be consistent with Monarchy, Contrary to the false Aspersions of their Enemies
  • 135065
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    Tom Double return'd out of the country: or, the true picture of a modern Whig, &c. Whiglove and Double
    Davenant, Charles
  • 135066
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    Tom Double return'd out of the country: or, the true picture of a modern Whig, set forth in a second dialogue between Mr. Whiglove & Mr. Double, at the Rummer Tavern in Queen-Street
    Davenant, Charles
  • 135067
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    Topographical descriptions: with historico-political, and medico-physical observations: made in two several voyages, through most parts of Europe. By John Northleigh, LL. M.D.
    Northleigh, John
  • 135068
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    Tou en hagiois patros Hemon Eirenaiou episkopou Lougdounou elenchou kai Anatropes Tes Pseudonymou Gnoseos biblia pente. = S. Irenæi Episcopi Lugdunensis Contra omnes hæreses libri quinque. Textus græci partem haud exiguam restituit; latinam versionem antiquissimam è quatuor Mss Codicibus emendavit; fragmenta aliorum Tractatuum deperditorum subjunxit; omnia notis Variorum, & suis illustravit Joanne
  • 135069
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    Tou pany kyr Nectarii Patriarch? hierosolymitani confutatio imperii Pap? in ecclesiam
  • 135070
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    Trusting in God, better than trusting in the best of men, or the greatest of princes. A sermon preach'd in the cathedral at Norwich, March 22. 1701/2. Being The next Sunday except one after the Death of our late Great, Pious, and most Heroick Sovereign King William IIId By John Graile, Rector of Blickling in Norfolk
    Graile, John
  • 135071
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    Tryals per pais: or, the law of England concerning juries by nisi prius, &c. Newly revised, and much inlarged, with an addition of prededents, and forms of challenges, Demurrers upon Evidence, Bills of Exception, Pleas Puis le Darrein Continuance, &c. The fourth edition with large additions. To which is now added, a farther treatise of evidence. Together with a New and Exact Table to the whole Mat
    Duncombe, Giles
  • 135072
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    Twelve sermons preached on several occasions by Richard Lucas.
    Lucas, Richard
  • 135073
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    Twenty six depositions of persons of quality and worth: with letters of the late Queen, Father Corker; and severalothers [sic] writ by Mrs. Mary Grey. Proving the whole management of the supposititious birth of the pretended Prince of Wales. ... The second edition. By William Fuller, ...
    Fuller, William
  • 135074
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    Two cases: the first of adultery and divorce: shevving that where the sin adultery is, the punishment divorce ought to follow it, without Injury to Conscience. The second of baptism: Shewing That neither Lay-Baptism, nor Popish Baptism ought to be sought for, or admitted by Protestants in the Factories, or other Places abroad, who are informed what to do in such a Case, for the Ease of their Consc
    Morer, Thomas
  • 135075
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    Two letters to a friend concerning the partition treaty, vindicating His Majesty, King William, from all reflections; and answering the arguments of a late designing party, that were for surrendring to the French King the whole Spanish monarchy
  • 135076
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    Two sermons preached on the 3d. and 6th. Sundays after the opening of the new Chappel of St. James's Westminster. The first the 18th. day of October, the second on the 8th day of November, 1702. By Richard Burd, D. D. Preacher at the said Chappel, and Lecturer of St. Mary Aldermary, London
    Burd, Richard
  • 135077
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    Tyrannick love; or, the royal martyr. A tragedy. As it is acted by His Majestie's servants at the Theatre-Royal. By John Dryden, ...
    Dryden, John
  • 135078
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    Vade mecum: or, the necessary pocket companion. ... The seventh edition, to which is added, interest in epitome; ...
    Playford, John
  • 135079
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    Vignola: or, the compleat architect. Shewing, in a plain and easy way, the rules of the five orders in architecture, viz. Tuscan, Dorick, Ionick, Corinthian and composite. Whereby, any that can but read and understand English, may readily learn the proportions that all members in a building have one unto another. Set forth by Mr. James Barazzio of Vignola. Translated into English, by Joseph Moxon
  • 135080
    Book Info
    Vindici? mentis. An essay of the being and nature of mind : Wherein the Distinction of Mind and Body, The Substantiality, Personality, and Perfection of Mind is Asserted; and the Original of our Minds, their Present, Separate, and Future State, is freely enquir'd into, in order to a more certain Foundation for the Knowledge of God, and our Selves, and the clearing all Doubts and Objections that ha
    Emes, Thomas