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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,101 - 135,120건 출력
  • 135101
    Book Info
    A brief history of Spain. Containing the race of its kings, from the first Peopling of that Country, but more particularly from Flavius Chindasuinthus, who Reign'd above 1000 Years ago, and from whom the present King Philip V. is Descended by the Mothers side. With an account of their memorable actions, Marriages, Issues, Titles, and all Things of Note that hapned during their several Reigns. To w
    Stevens, John
  • 135102
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    A cabinet of choice jewels: or, the Christian's joy and cladness [sic], set forth in sundry pleasant new Christmas carrols
  • 135103
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    A catalogue of books in Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, &c. Collected chiefly from the Libraries of John De Wit, Constantin Huygens, and Frederick Spanheim. With divers Curious Editions of Antient Authors lately brought from France and Italy. To be sold by Auction at Sam. Buckley's at the Dolphin in Little Britain, on Wednesday the 31st of December 1701
    Buckley, Samuel
  • 135104
    Book Info
    A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. ... The fourth edition, corrected and very much amended. By R.B. a servant of the Church of Christ.
    Barclay, Robert
  • 135105
    Book Info
    A collction [sic] of songs, in several languages. Compos'd by Mr. John Abell.
    Abell, John
  • 135106
    Book Info
    A collection of all the statutes now in force, relating to the excise, and the duties upon salt: With An Abridgment of the said Statutes, and a Table of the Rates upon the several Liquors, &c. shewing by what Acts they are Imposed. To which is added a table of allowances for common brewers, &c
    England | Wales
  • 135107
    Book Info
    A collection of ayres, In Three parts, Containing Forty Six tunes, in Eight Setts. Compos'd by Richard Motley Dancing-Master. First trebles
    Motley, Richard
  • 135108
    Book Info
    A collection of decisions, of the Lords of Council and Session, in two parts. The first contains Decisions from July 1661, to July 1666. Observ'd by Sir John Gilmour of Craigmiller, President of the Colledge of Justice. The second Part contains Decisions from November 1681, to January 1686. Observ'd by Sir David Falconer of Newton, President of the Colledge of Justice. Never before Publish'd. Revi
  • 135109
    Book Info
    A collection of new songs, for one, two, and three voices. Accompany'd vvith instruments. Compos'd by Vaughan Richardson organist of the Cathedral-Church of Winchester. Several of the songs that are not in the compass, are transpos'd for the flute, at the end of the book.
    Richardson, Vaughan
  • 135110
    Book Info
    A collection of several treaties, &c. Since the late revolution. Viz. I. The grand alliance between the Emperor, the King of England, and States-General; with the Separate Article for securing the Spanish Succession to the Emperor and his Family. II. The English declaration of war against the French King. III. The treaty at Reswick. IV. The first treaty of partition for dividing the Spanish Monarc
    England | Wales
  • 135111
    Book Info
    A collection of several treaties, &c. since the late revolution. Viz. I. The grand alliance between the Emperor, the King of England, and States General; with the Separate Article for securing the Spanish Succession to the Emperor and his Family. II. The English declaration of war against the French King. III. The treaty at Reswick. IV. The first treaty of partition for dividing the Spanish Monarc
    England | Wales
  • 135112
    Book Info
    A compendious, but a compleat system of decimal arithmetick, containing more exact rules for ordering infinites, than any hitherto extant. Contrived by Mr. George Brown Minister of Killmarice, and Author of the Rotula. First course
    Brown, George
  • 135113
    Book Info
    A compleat account of the Portugueze language. Being a copious dictionary of English with Portugueze, and Portugueze with English. Together With an Easie and Unerring Method of its Pronunciation, by a distinguishing Accent, and a Compendium of all the necessary Rules of Construction and Orthography digested into a Grammatical Form. To which is Subjoined by way of appendix Their usual Manner of Cor
    A. J
  • 135114
    Book Info
    A compleat body of arithmetick : in four books, Viz: Book I. Part 1. Integers. 2. Fractions. Book II. 1. Geodaeticals. 2. Figurals. Book III. 1. Decimals. 2. Astronomicals. Part 3. Logarithmes. 4. Cossicks. 5. Surds. 6. Algebra. Book IV. 1. Ratio's. 2. Proportions disjunct. 3. Proportions continued. 4. Aequations, &c. Wherein the Whole Nature of Numbers, with their Simple and Comparative Elemen...
    Jeake, Samuel
  • 135115
    Book Info
    A confutation of Popery, in III. parts. Wherein, I. The Controversy concerning the Rule of Faith is Determin'd. II. The particular Doctrines of the Church of Rome are Confuted. III. The Popish Objections against the Church of England are Answer'd. By Thomas Bennet, M. A. Rector of St. James's in Colchester, and Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge
    Bennet, Thomas
  • 135116
    Book Info
    A confutation of Popery, in III. parts. Wherein, I. The controversy concerning the rule of faith is determin'd. II. The particular doctrines of the Church of Rome are confuted. III. The Popish objections against the Church of England are answer'd. By Thomas Bennet, M. A. Rector of S. James's in Colchester, and Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge
    Bennet, Thomas
  • 135117
    Book Info
    A congratulatory poem on the new Parliament assembled on this great conjuncture of affairs. By N. Tate, Esq;, Poet-Laureat to His Majesty
    Tate, Nahum
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 135118
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    A consolatory letter to one in affliction, upon the loss of a near relation
    Delm{acute}e, Elias
  • 135119
    Book Info
    A consolatory poem in praise of retirement. Spoke to the late King James, at his arrival at St. Germains, in the year 1688. By Father L.
    Father L
  • 135120
    Book Info
    A cure for jealousie. A comedy. As it was acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields, by His Majestys servants
    Corey, John