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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,121 - 135,140건 출력
  • 135121
    Book Info
    A description of bandages and dressings, according to the most commodious ways now used in France. Written in French by M. Le Clerc, Physician in Ordinary to the French King, and Author of the Compleat Surgeon. Translated into English, with forty eight copper plates representing the Figures of the several Parts of each Dressing
    Le Clerc, Charles Gabriel
  • 135122
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    A dialogue between Marphorio and Pasquin, concerning the succession of Spain, and the present state of Europe
  • 135123
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    A dialogue between Mr. Smith, Monsieur Ragouse, Menheir Dorveil, and Mr. Manoel Texiera, in a walk to Newington
  • 135124
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    A dialogue between the cities of London and Paris, in relation to the present posture of affairs, rendred into verse, and made applicable to the Disturbanccs which now seem to threaten the Peace of Europe. Written by a person who has no mony to pay taxes in case of a war
  • 135125
    Book Info
    A directory for midwives : or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The Formation of the Child in the Womb. 3. What hinders Conception, and its Remedies. 4. What furthers Conception. 5. A Guide for Women in Conception. 6. Of Miscarriage in Women. 7. A Guide for Women in their Labour...
    Culpeper, Nicholas
  • 135126
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning time : with application of the natural day, and lunar month, and solar year, as natural; And of such as are derived from them; As Artificial Parts of Time, for Measures in Civil and Common Use: for the better understanding of the Julian year and calendar. The First Column also in our Church-Calendar explained. With other incidental remarks. The second edition. By William ...
    Holder, William
  • 135127
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    A discourse of Christ as he is a rock of salvation. Containing Some Sermons, Preached at the Merchants Lecture in Broad-Street. By Richard Taylor, Minister of the Gospel
    Taylor, Richard
  • 135128
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    A discourse of government. Written by Sir Philip Warwick Knight. Design'd by him as an appendix to his memoirs of the reign of King Charles the first.
    Warwick, Philip
  • 135129
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    A discourse of schism: design'd for the satisfaction of conscientious and peaceable Dissenters
    Trosse, George
  • 135130
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    A discourse of the contests and dissensions between the nobles and the commons in Athens and Rome, with the consequences they had upon both those states
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 135131
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    A discourse of the species, order and government of christian churches, and the ordination of their ministers
  • 135132
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    A discourse on the great duty of mortification. By the Right Reverend Ezekiel Hopkins, Late Lord Bishop of Londonderry. Never before published
    Hopkins, Ezekiel
  • 135133
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    A discourse, of suppressing immorality, and promoting godliness, being the substance of some sermons, preached by Gilbert Rule, One of the Ministers of the City, and Principal of the Colledge, of Edinburgh
    Rule, Gilbert
  • 135134
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    A discription of a cockernonie, which maidens will not want to make them bony
  • 135135
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    A disswasive from the sin of drunkenness. By a minister of the Church of England.
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 135136
    Book Info
    A domestick charge, or, the duty of houshold-governours: being, a practical discourse of family-government and religion. By Eras. Saunders, M. A. late of Jesus College, Oxon.
    Saunders, Erasmus
  • 135137
    Book Info
    A double ephemeris : For the year 1701. Or an astronomical treatise, Shewing the daily Motions of the Planets, with the Rising, Setting, and Ecclipses of the Luminaries; A compleat Tide Table of the exact Times of High-Water at London, and divers other Ports; The Equation of Time, with its use for Regulating Clocks and Watches; Directions for Passing and Repassing the Water, with the Rates paid...
    Parker, George
  • 135138
    Book Info
    A facetious poem in imitation of The cherry and slae, giving account of the entertainment, love and despair, got in the Highlands of Scotland; revealed in a dream to one in pursuit of his stoln cows. By G. G. of S.
    G. G
  • 135139
    Book Info
    A familiar epistle to the King of hearts
  • 135140
    Book Info
    A few brief reflections upon a paper, stiled, Some considerations offer'd to both Houses of Parliament, concerning the sugar-colonies, and chiefly the island of Barbadoes