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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,261 - 135,280건 출력
  • 135261
    Book Info
    A table of logarithms, for numbers increasing in their natural order, from an unit to 10000. With a table of artificial sines, tangents and secants, the radius 10,000000. Carefully corrected by Sam. Heynes, Late Reader of Mathematicks to His Majesty's Engineers
  • 135262
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    A treatise of Christ's intercession; grounded upon Isa. LIII. 12. Wherein is contained an account what Christ's intercession is. ... By O. H. ...
    Heywood, Oliver
  • 135263
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    A treatise of antient and present geography, together with A sett of maps, design'd for the use of young students in the universities. By Edward Wells M. A. and Student of Christ-Church
    Wells, Edward
  • 135264
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    A treatise of consolation to parents for the death of their children. Written upon the Occasion of the Death of the Duke of Gloucester. By William Nichols, D.D. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: blessed be the name of the Lord, Job. 1. 21
    Nicholls, William
  • 135265
    Book Info
    A treatise of piety, and devotion to Jesus Christ. Translated from the French
  • 135266
    Book Info
    A treatise of the two sacraments of the Gospel, baptism, and the Lord's supper: according to the scriptures, and the doctrine of the fathers. By H. de Luzancy, B. D. Vicar of Dover-Court, and Harwich
    De Luzancy, H. C
  • 135267
    Book Info
    A treatise of trigonometry : plane and spherical, theoretical and practical. In which the several cases of plane and spherical triangles are solved, instrumentally and arithmetically. As likewise a Treatise of Stereographic and Orthographic Projection of the Sphere. In which the Principles and Theorems on which they depend, are clearly Demonstrated, and the Practice naturally deduced from those...
    Heynes, Sam
  • 135268
    Book Info
    A triangular canon logarithmical: or, a table of artificial sines and tangents, To every Degree and Minute of the Quadrant. The Common Radius being 10.0000000. With a table of logarithms, From an unit to 10000
  • 135269
    Book Info
    A trip to Hamshire and Flanders: discovering the vile intrigues of the priests and jesuits, and the practice of Englad's bosome enemies. By William Fuller, gent.
    Fuller, William
  • 135270
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    A trip to North-Wales: being a description of that country and people
    E. B
  • 135271
    Book Info
    A true account of the preservation of the regalia of Scotland, Viz: crown, sword and scepter, From falling into the Hands of the English Usurpers. Be Sir George Ogilvie of Barras, Kt. and Barronet. With the Blazon of that family
    Ogilvie, George
  • 135272
    Book Info
    A true and demonstrative way to union, by the education of youth in the establisht principles of the Church of England. Humbly Presented to the Consideration of this Present Parliament. By P. H.
    P. H
  • 135273
    Book Info
    A true list of the knights, citizens and burgesses of the last Parliament
    England | Wales
  • 135274
    Book Info
    A view of Paris, and Places adjoining. With an account of the Court of France; and of the late King James. To which is Added, The present Posture of Affairs in that Kingdom, Discovering an Insufficiency in the French to maintain a War. Written by a gentleman lately residing at the English Ambassador's at Paris
    Gentleman lately residing at the English Ambassador's at Paris
  • 135275
    Book Info
    A vindication of William Mather and his wife; who having lived about forty years professed Quakers, have now renounced that perswasion, and returned to the communion of the Church of England, Published by William Mather, in Bedford
    Mather, W
  • 135276
    Book Info
    A vindication of a Discourse of schism; which was address'd to the dissenters, Who Conform'd before the Toleration, And have since withdrawn themselves from the Communion of the Church of England: in answer to a letter lately publish'd against it. By Robert Burscough, M. A. Vicar of Totness in Devon
    Burscough, Robert
  • 135277
    Book Info
    A vindication of a discourse entituled The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction: being a reply to Gilbert Rule's Cyprianic bishop examin'd and found not to be a diocesan. Wherein Besides a great many Things more briefly Considered, The usefulness of fixing the Principles of the Cyprianic Age is succinctly Represented; The main Controversie between those
    Sage, John
  • 135278
    Book Info
    A vindication of informers of the breaches of the laws against prophaneness and immorality. Asserting and proving the lawfulness and necessity of informing. Shewing That all Sober Christians, and Good Neighbours, are called in Duty to joyn therein. And Answering objections made by Ill or Ignorant Men, against those Pious and Useful Persons, who out of Love to God and their Neighbours, do reckon th
    Grant, Francis
  • 135279
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Christian Church in the baptizing of infants, drawn from the Holy Scriptures. By Theophilus Dorrington, Rector of Wittresham in Kent.
    Dorrington, Theophilus
  • 135280
    Book Info
    A vindication of the authority of Christian princes, over ecclesiastical synods. From the exemptions made against it by Mr. Hill, and the Pretences of Divine Right, In his books on that subject; and especially in his last, Entituled, The Rights and Liberties of the Christian Church Asserted. To which are added, some letters that past between Dr. Wake and him relating to that controversy
    Turner, John