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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,281 - 135,300건 출력
  • 135281
    Book Info
    A vindication of the rights and prerogatives of the Right Honourable the House of Lords. Wherein a late discourse entitled, A vindication of the rights of the Commons of England is consider'd
  • 135282
    Book Info
    A vindication of the rights of the Commons of England. By a member of the Honourable the House of Commons
    Mackworth, Humphrey
  • 135283
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    A walk to Islington with a description of New-Tunbridge-Wells and Sadler's musick-house / by the author of the poet's ramble after riches.
    Ward, Edward
  • 135284
    Book Info
    A walk to Smith-field: or, a true discription of the humours of Bartholomew-fair, with the many comical intrigues and frolicks that are acted in every particular booth in the fair, by persons of all ages and sexes, from the court gallant to the countrey clown: with the old droll-players lamentation for the loss of their yearly revenues; being very pleasant and deverting [sic]
  • 135285
    Book Info
    A whip for the Spaniards, and A scourge for the French, in two satyrs. Written by J. M. and W. P. Gents
    J. M
  • 135286
    Book Info
    Abney Mayor. Martis vicesimo primo die Octobris 1701. Annoq ; regni Regis Willelmi tertij Angliæ, &c. decimo tertio
    Corporation of London (England)
  • 135287
    Book Info
    Additions to the first edition of The rights, powers, and privileges of an English Convocation, stated and vindicated. In answer to a late book of Dr. Wake's, entituled, The authority of Christian princes over their ecclesiastical synods asserted, &c. and to several other pieces. By Francis Atterbury, Preacher at the Rolls, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 135288
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    Advice to the Kentish long-tails, by the wise men of Gotham, in answer to their late sawcy petition to the parliament
    Brown, Thomas
  • 135289
    Book Info
    Advice to the Kentish long-tails, by the wise-men of Gotham. In answer to their late sawcy petition to the Parliament
    Brown, Thomas
  • 135290
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    African-House. At a General Court of the Adventurers of the Royal African Company of England, held the 27th. day of March, 1701
    Royal African Company
  • 135291
    Book Info
    An abridgment of the act of Parliament for the better execution of His Majesty's gracious declaration for the settlement of his kingdom of Ireland, &c. Made in the 14th and 15th Years of the Reign of King Charles the Second, Sess. 4. Cap. 2. And also of the act of Parliament for the explaining of some doubts arising upon the aforesaid act; and making some Alterations of, and Additions to the said
  • 135292
    Book Info
    An abstract of the most curious and excellent thoughts in Seigneur de Montaigne's essays: very useful for improving the mind, and forming the manners of men. Done into English from the French original
    Montaigne, Michel de
  • 135293
    Book Info
    An abstract of the rules, orders and constitutions, of the Company of Water-Men and Lighter-Men, made pursuant to a late Act of Parliament, Enacted in the 11th and 12th Years of Our Soveraign Lord King William III. (intituled, An Act for the Explanation, and better Execution of former Acts made touching Water-Men and Wherry-Men Rowing on the River of Thames, and for the better Ordering and Governi
    Company of Watermen | Lightermen (London, England)
  • 135294
    Book Info
    An account of a pleasant liquor, which dissolves the stone in the bladder or kidneys and brings it away visibly. As likewise whatever gravel may be generated in those parts; ... Only prepared by William Tipping, and to be sold by Mr. Benjamin James, in the broad passage in Three King Court in Lumbard Street, ...
    Tipping, William
  • 135295
    Book Info
    An account of an occasional conference between George Keith and Thomas Upshare at Colchester, Jan.1. 1700/01. Mr. Kinnier, John Rallet, and John Sewel, being present. Together with some notes and observations on Thomas Upshare's Concessions and answers; and a postscript. Some other material passages relating to the Quakers in Colchester, their Principles and late Differences. And some passages fai
  • 135296
    Book Info
    An account of church-government, and governours
    Brett, Thomas
  • 135297
    Book Info
    An account of divers choice remarks, AS Well Geographical, AS Historical, Political, Mathematical, Physical, And Moral; taken in a journey through the Low-Countries, France, Italy, and part of Spain; with the isles of Sicily and Malta. As also, a voyage to the Levant: A Description of Candia, Egypt, the Red Sea, the Desarts of Arabia, Mount-Horeb, and Mount-Sinai; the Coasts of Palestine, Syria, a
    Veryard, Ellis
  • 135298
    Book Info
    An account of divers choice remarks, AS Well Geographical, AS Historical, Political, Mathematical, Physical, And Moral; taken in a journey through the Low-Countries, France, Italy, and part of Spain; with the isles of Sicily and Malta. As also, a voyage to the Levant: A Description of Candia, Egypt, the Red Sea, the Desarts of Arabta, Mount-Horcb, and Mount-Sinai; the Coasts of Palestine, Syria, a
    Veryard, Ellis
  • 135299
    Book Info
    An account of the Societies for Reformation of Manners, in England and Ireland. With a persuasive to Persons of all Ranks, to be zealous and diligent in promoting the execution of the laws against prophaneness and debauchery, for the Effecting A National Reformation. Published with the Approbation of a Considerable Number of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Honourable Judges of both Kingdoms
  • 135300
    Book Info
    An account of the breeding of worms in human bodies; their nature, and several sorts; Their Effects, Symptoms, and Prognostics. With the true means to avoid them, and med'cines to cure them. By Nicholas Andry, M.D. of the Faculty of Paris. With letters to the author on this subject, from M. Nicholas Hartsoeker at Amsterdam, and M. George Baglivi at Rome. Approved by Dr. Fagon, Chief Physician to t
    Andry de Bois-regard, Nicolas