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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,361 - 135,380건 출력
  • 135361
    Book Info
    An introduction to the art of logick. Composed for the benefit of young scholars and others, who have not the opportunity of being instructed in the Latin tongue. With A short Exposition of the Precepts, by which any one of indifferent Capacity may, with a little Pains, attain to the Knowledge and Use of that Noble and Necessary Science. Published for a publick advantage. By a person of quality, s
    Burgersdijck, Franco
  • 135362
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    An occasional letter on the subject of English convocations. By the author of Ecclesiastical synods and parliamentary convocations in the Church of England
    Kennett, White
  • 135363
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    An ode on the death of the late King James. Written originally in French at St. Germains, and dedicated to his son the Prince. And now translated into English with very little alteration
  • 135364
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    An useeul [sic] concordance to the Holy Bible, with the various acceptations contain'd in the scriptures, And marks to distinguish Commands, Promises, and Threatnings. Also, a curious collection of similies, Synonymous Phrases, and Prophecies, relating to the Call of the Jews, and the Glory that shall be in the latter days. Lastly, the titles and appellations given to Christ and the Church not in
    Powell, Vavasor
  • 135365
    Book Info
    Angelographia sive pneumata leiturgika [sic] pneumatologia: or, a discourse of angels: their nature and office, or ministry. Wherein is shewed what excellent Creatures they are, and that they are the prime Instruments of God's Providence, and are imploy'd about Kingdoms, and Churches, and single Persons, and that under Jesus Christ, who is the Head of Angels as well as Men, and by whose Procuremen
    Saunders, Richard
  • 135366
    Book Info
    Anglia libera: or the limitation and succession of the crown of England explain'd and asserted; as grounded on His Majesty's speech; The Procedings in Parlament; The Desires of the People, The Safety of our Religion; The Nature of our Constitution; The Balance of Europe; And The Rights of all Mankind. By Jo. Toland
    Toland, John
  • 135367
    Book Info
    Animadversio astrologica : or, a discourse touching astrology. To which are added, these considerations, I. Of the mutability of sublunary beings. ... IV. The causes of several ph{aelig}nomena's [sic] ... By D. Irish, ...
    Irish, David
  • 135368
    Book Info
    Animadversio astrologica : or, a discourse touching astrology. To which are added, these considerations, I. Of the mutability of sublunary beings. ... IV. The causes of several ph{aelig}nomena's [sic] ... By D. Irish, ...
    Irish, David
  • 135369
    Book Info
    Animadversions on a late factious book, entitled, Essays upon, I. The ballance of power; II. The right of making war, peace, and alliances; III. Universal monarchy. With a letter containing a censure upon the said book: Wherein The King, the Ministry, and the Church of England, are clear'd, from the malicious Aspersions cast upon them, by the Enemies of this Government
    L. L. D. J
  • 135370
    Book Info
    Animadversions on the succession to the crown of England, consider'd. Publish'd by Captain D-by. With remarks On a late Scandalous pamphlet, suppos'd to be written by Mr. Toland, Entituled, Limitations for the next Foreign Successor, &c. As also Some Particular observations on the Courts of the Electores, Dowager, and the Present Elector of Hannover, Occasion'd by the Resolution of Parliament, lat
  • 135371
    Book Info
    Answers for the magistrats of Air, to the bill given in by Andrew Hannay: ...
    Ayr (Scotland)
  • 135372
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    Apollo Anglicanus, the English apollo, ... by Richard Saunder, ...
    Saunders, Richard
  • 135373
    Book Info
    Appeal from a decree of dismission made in the High Court of Chancery, in Ireland, the 21st of June, 1700. ... Nathaniel Disbrowe, Esq; appellant. Honer Kerin ... John Kerin ... Samuel Freeman, ... and Elizabeth his wife, ... respondents. The respondents case
    Kerin, Honer
  • 135374
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    Arcana Imperii Detecta: or, Divers Select Cases in Government
    Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius
  • 135375
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    Argalus and Parthenia written by Fra. Quarles.
    Quarles, Francis
  • 135376
    Book Info
    Arguments, proving, that the poor of England cannot be imploy'd on the wooll manufacture, but to a national loss; and the ruine of the clothing trade. And the vulgar error of building work-houses, hospitals, and raising Money in all Towns and Corporations for that purpose, plainly Detected and Confuted. And shewing in what the poor may be profitably imploy'd for thei own, and the publick good. By
  • 135377
    Book Info
    Aricles of visitation and inquiry to be made within the several parishes of Clonfert and Killmacdough, in the visitation of the right reverend father in God William by divine providence Lord Bishop of Clonfert and Killmacdough
    Church of England
  • 135378
    Book Info
    Battel without bloodshed: or, martial discipline buffoon'd by the City-Train-Bands
    Ward, Edward
  • 135379
    Book Info
    Bellum medicinale, or the present state of doctors and apothecaries in London. Being remarks upon a letter from a merchant-dispensary physician to himself, and his answer. In a letter from a chymist in the city to a country physician, with the physician's answer:
    Chymist in the city
  • 135380
    Book Info
    Blaenor i Ghristion, yn ei arwain ef at y pethau a ddylei ef: Eu Credu, Gwneuthur, Hofni, a'u Soheithio. At Ddiwedd pa ûn y dodwyd Gweddiau, iw harferu ar Amryw Achosion. Wedi ei gyfiaithu yn ôl y pedwerydd argraphiad yn y Saisonaeg