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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,381 - 135,400건 출력
  • 135381
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    Bonny Maggie Lauther. To an Excellent New Tune
  • 135382
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    Books lately printed for Timothy Child, at the White-Hart, at the west-end of St. Paul's church-yard, London
    Childe, Timothy
  • 135383
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    Books printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1701
    Sowle, Tace
  • 135384
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    Brief answer to the Quaker's Narrative, &c. wrote by Edw. [sic] Pickworth of Sleeford in Lincolnshire
    Bugg, Francis
  • 135385
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    Brittania's tears: or, England's lamentation. In an elegy occasion'd by the death of ... William III. ... March the 8th. 1701/2. [i.e. 1702]
    Harris, Benjamin
  • 135386
    Book Info
    By-laws, constitutions, orders and rules for the good government of the Corporation of the United Company of Merchants of England, trading to the East-Indies, ...
    East India Company
  • 135387
    Book Info
    C. Crispi Sallustii qu? supersunt, cum indicibus et variis lectionibus
  • 135388
    Book Info
    Camden's Britannia abridg'd; with improvements, and continuations, to this present time. To which are added, exact lists of the present nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland: Also a Valuation of all Ecclesiastical Preferments At the End of each County. With many other Useful Additions. The whole Carefully Perform'd, and Illustrated with above Sixty Maps Exactly Engraven. ...
    Camden, William
  • 135389
    Book Info
    Canterbury tales, rendred into familiar verse, viz. The Plain Proof. The Forreigner. The Choice. An Eagle and a Crow. The Qualification. The Politician. The Resolution. The Resignation. The Partition. The Republican. The Wind and Weather-Man. The Barister. Written by no body
    Pittis, William
  • 135390
    Book Info
    Canterbury tales, rendred into familiar verse, viz. The Plain Proof. The Forreigner. The Choice. An Eagle and a Crow. The Qualification. The Politician. The Revolution. The Resignation. The Partition. The Republican. The Wind and Weather-Man. The Barister. Written by no body
    Pittis, William
  • 135391
    Book Info
    Captain Grovesnour, appellant. Colonel Coy, respondent. In an appeal to the House of Peers, from an order of dismission of the appellant's bill in the Court of Chancery. The respondent's case
    Coy, John
  • 135392
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    Carmen sæculare to the King
    Prior, Matthew
  • 135393
    Book Info
    Catalogus librorum incompactorum, in re theologica, historica, philologica, &c. Selectissimorum: Quos ex Hollandia, Germania, Gallia &c. Summo studio atque cura collegit Joannes Owenus. Quorum Auctio publica habenda est ad Insigne Arietis, e regione Postici oenopolii vulgo dicti Rose, Novembris 17. hora prima post meridiem. A Johanne Bullord. Catalogues deliver'd gratis by J. Owen, and at Peat's C
    Owen, John
  • 135394
    Book Info
    Catalogus universalis librorum, in omni facultate, linguaque insignium, & rarissimorum; Non Solum Ex Catalogis Bibliothecarum Bodleianae, Lugduno-Batavae, Ultrajectinae, Barberinae, Thuanae, Cordesianae, Tellerianae, Slusianae, & Heinsianae, Sed Etiam Ex omnibus fere aliis praelo impressis magno labore & sumptu in usum Studiosorum Collectus. Cum Indice Authorum Alphabetico. ...
    Hartley, John
  • 135395
    Book Info
    Chaucer's whims: being some select fables and tales in verse, very applicable to the present times; Under these following Heads: Viz. The Succession. The Convocation. The Non-Juring Clergyman. Jack of both sides. The Triumvirate. Justice Mistaken. The Ken. Petition The True-Born-Englishman. Trade and Empire Inconsistent. One that Sh-t in his Hat, &c. The Musick-Prize. The Impeachment
    Pittis, William
  • 135396
    Book Info
    Chresmodia parabolico-prophetica de infausto Fausti Socini asseclarum exitu illustrata. Per Christophilum Dialithum Ungarum
    Dialithus, Christophilus
  • 135397
    Book Info
    Christian charity. A sermon Preached before the Honourable Society Of the Natives of the County of Kent, Novemb. 20. 1701. At St. Mary-le-Bow, London. By George Stanhope, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty, and Vicar of Lewisham in Kent. Published at the Request of the Stewards
    Stanhope, George
  • 135398
    Book Info
    Christianity in short: or, the way to be a good Christian recommended to the use of such as want either time or capacity for reading longer and learneder discourses. By C. Ellis, author of the Gentile-sinner.
    Ellis, Clement
  • 135399
    Book Info
    Christianity the great ornament of humane life: or, man considered in his spiritual, civil, and moral capacities. Being an humble essay towards the furtherance of universal piety and charity, and removing all unreasonable Prejudice and animosities respecting both the Church and State
  • 135400
    Book Info
    Coelii Sedulii Scoti poemata sacra Denuo Recognita, Collata & brevibus notis Illustrata, nec non Prior Ejusdem Epistola ad Macedonium Presbyterum