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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,441 - 135,460건 출력
  • 135441
    Book Info
    Essays upon I. The ballance of power. II. The right of making war, Peace, and Alliances. III. Universal monarchy. To which is added, an appendix containing the records referr'd to in the second essay
    Davenant, Charles
  • 135442
    Book Info
    Essays, moral and divine; in five discourses: Viz. I. Against Atheism. II. Of Providence. III. Of Learning and Religion. IV. Of Triffling Studies, Stage-Playes, and Romances. V. Upon the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, and Redemption of Mankind. By Sir William Anstruther of Anstruther, One of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice
    Anstruther, William
  • 135443
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    Eucharistical devotions: or, a form of prayers To be daily used The week before Receiving of the Holy Sacrament
    Prowse, William
  • 135444
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    Euclidis elementorum libri priores sex, item undecimus & duodecimus. Ex versione Latina Federici Commandini. In usum juventutis academic?
  • 135445
    Book Info
    Examen de deux grandes questions, la premiére, ce que le Roi de France fera au sujet de la monarchie d'Espagne, la seconde, quelles mesures doit prendre l'Angleterre. Traduit de l'anglois
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 135446
    Book Info
    Executing judgment, counted for righteousness. A sermon preach'd to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, in the cities of London and Westminster. Upon Monday, June the 30th. 1701. ... By Benjamin Robinson
    Robinson, Benjamin
  • 135447
    Book Info
    Familiar and courtly letters, to persons of honour and quality, by Mons. Voiture, A Member of the Royal Academy at Paris. ... Made English by John Dryden, Esq; Tho. Cheek, Esq; Mr. Dennis, Henry Cromwell, Esq; Mr. Raphson, F. R. S. Dr. - , &c. with A Collection of Translations, and Original Letters on several Subjects. Written by Mr. T. Brown, and now much Improved. The third edition with addition
  • 135448
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    Familiar forms of speaking, compos'd for the use of schools; ... Partly gathered, partly composed. The fourteenth edition, corrected and amended, and somewhat enlarged. ...
  • 135449
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    Fatal inconstancy: or, the unhappy rescue. A tragedy. As it was privately acted. By R.P.
    Phillips, R
  • 135450
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    Fifteen sermons preached on several occasions. By ... John, Lord Arch-bishop of York, ...
    Sharp, John
  • 135451
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    Five love-letters from a nun to a cavalier done out of French into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange.
    Guilleragues, Gabriel Joseph de Lavergne
  • 135452
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    Fly. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1701. ... Calculated for the meridian of Kings-Lynn, ...
  • 135453
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    Fullers non-recantation to the Jacobites: or, a plain proof to the nation that the pretended P. of Wales is an imposter. By William Fuller, Gent.
    Fuller, William
  • 135454
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    Globe notes. By R. Holland.
    Holland, Richard
  • 135455
    Book Info
    God's dominion over the seas, and the seaman's duty, consider'd, in a sermon preached at Long-Reach August the 10th. 1701, on board His Majesty's Capital Ship The Royal Soveraign, by Philip Stubs, M. A. One of the Chaplains to His Majesty's Navy in Ordinary
    Stubs, Philip
  • 135456
    Book Info
    Good news to the good women, and to the bad women too that will grow better; The like to the Men. But here the Women are put in the first place, (the which is now out of their place) because this Book chiefly Treats, Of the Women. Shewing What the Scripture saith of the Good Women, and also what the Scripture saith of the Bad Women. And for Satisfaction to the Jews, herein is proved whose Seed it
    Marsin, M
  • 135457
    Book Info
    Gospel mysteries unveil'd: or an exposition of all the parables, and many express similitudes contained in the four evangelists, spoken by our lord and saviour Jesus Christ: Wherein also many things are doctrinally handled, and practically improved, by way of application. By Benjamin Keach, author of [...] a key to open scripture metaphors
    Keach, Benjamin
  • 135458
    Book Info
    Great doubts and difficulties to be resolved by the good people of England
  • 135459
    Book Info
    Haman and Mordecai. A fast-sermon, preach'd in the parish church of St. Magnus the Martyr, by London-Bridge, on Friday, April 4. 1701. Published at the Request of Several of the Chief Auditors. By Richard Holland, M. A. Chaplain to his Grace the D. of Richmond, Curate of St. Magnus, and Lecturer of Alhallows the Great
    Holland, Richard
  • 135460
    Book Info
    Hanging, not punishment enough, for murtherers, high-way men, and house-breakers. Offered to the consideration of the two Houses of Parliament
    J. R