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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,461 - 135,480건 출력
  • 135461
    Book Info
    Harrison's case. Charles Morris Esq; and Margaret Morris Administratrix, with the Will annexed of Robert Morris her late Husband. Appellants. Mary Harrison Administratrix, with the Will annexed of Godfrey Harrison her late Husband, and John Harrison Son and Heir of the said Godfrey Harrison. Respondents
    Harrison, Mary
  • 135462
    Book Info
    Hear the word of the Lord ye rulers of Sodom, give ear unto the law of our God ye people of Gomorrah
    Stafford, Richard
  • 135463
    Book Info
    Hear the word of the Lord ye rulers of Sodom; Give ear unto the Law of our God ye People of Gomorrah. Isa. I. 10
    Stafford, Richard
  • 135464
    Book Info
    Hell's everlasting flames avoided: and heaven's eternal felicities enjoyed. The First Part. Containing the Penitent Sinner's sad Lamentation for the Deplorableness of his Impious Life. With a short View of the Terrors of the Damned in Hell; and his Holy Resolutions to a thorough Reformation; with some Considerations upon the Glory of the Saints in Heaven. Also Holy Preparations to a Worthy Receivi
    Hayward, John
  • 135465
    Book Info
    Heroick poems on several subjects: Viz. Upon the safe Arrival of His Majesty King William the Third, in Holland, this Summer Anno 1701. An Acrostick, Composed in Memory of the Deceased, His late Royal Highness William Duke of Gloucester. Upon the Departure of Count de Avaux, the French Embassador, from Holland. Upon His Majesty's Return to England, on the 4th of November, 1701. In Commemoration of
    True lover of his king | country
  • 135466
    Book Info
    Hidden things brought to light for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible. Being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights, measures, mentioned in the Bible, ... By John Axford. ...
    Axford, John
  • 135467
    Book Info
    Hidden things brought to light for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible. Being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights, measures, mentioned in the Bible, as Shekels, Talents, pieces of Silver Silverings, Pence, &c. And what they are in Value in Gold and Silver, according to English current Money. Being cast up in Shekels, Drams, and from One Talent to Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand
    Axford, John
  • 135468
    Book Info
    Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge, in reading the Bible: being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights measures, mentioned in the Bible, as Shekels, Talents, pieces of Silver, Silverings, Pence, &c. And what they are in value in Gold and Silver, according to English current Money. Being cast up in Shekels, Drams, and from one Talent to three hundred and fifty thousa
    Axford, John
  • 135469
    Book Info
    His Majesties most gracious letter to Patrick Earl of Marchmont Lord High Chancellor, Sir Hugh Dalrymple of North-Berwick President of the Colledge of Justice and the rest of the senators thereof:
    England | Wales
  • 135470
    Book Info
    His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the twelfth day of June, 1701
    England | Wales
  • 135471
    Book Info
    His Majesties most gracious speech to both houses of Parliament, on Saturday the 19th. day of October, 1689
    England | Wales
  • 135472
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    His most Christian Majesty's letter to the States General of the United Provinces. With the memorial presented by Count D'Avaux at the Hague. July 26th. 1701
  • 135473
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    Historical collections of the life and acts of the Right Reverend Father in God, John Aylmer, Lord Bishop of London in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Wherein are explained many transactions of the Church of England; and what methods were then taken to preserve it, with respect both to the papist and puritan. By John Strype, M.A.
    Strype, John
  • 135474
    Book Info
    Historical collections the fourth and last part. In two volumes. ... Containing the principal matters which happened from the Beginning of the Year 1645, to the Death of King Charles the First 1648. Wherein is a Particular Account of the Progress of the Civil War to that Period, impartially related. Setting forth only Matter of Fact in Order of Time, without Observation or Reflection. By John Rush
    Rushworth, John
  • 135475
    Book Info
    Hope and peace: In Two letters: the former a letter to a person troubled in mind; Who, (though a Vertuous Lady, yet) laboured under great Scrupulosities, Doubts and Fears; and some uneasie degrees of Desperation. The other, a letter to a penitent: Who appearing Sincere, and having pass'd through the Evangelical Methods of Peace and Reconciliation, yet remain'd Dissatisfied. By a divine, and sincer
    Divine | sincere son of the Church of England
  • 135476
    Book Info
    In obitum ornatissimi viri, D. Georgii Campbelli, S.S. theologiæ professoris apud Edinburgenses, epicedium
  • 135477
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    Index nominum authorum in Catalogo universali
    Hartley, John
  • 135478
    Book Info
    Institutio græcæ grammatices compendiaria, in usum Regiæ Scholæ Westmonasteriensis. In usum studiosae juventutis adduntur etiam quidam literarum nexus & scripturae compendia, quae partim elegantiae, partim brevitatis causa usurparisolent. Scientiarum janitrix Grammatica
    Camden, William
  • 135479
    Book Info
    Instructions for a gauger of excise in the country
    England | Wales
  • 135480
    Book Info
    Instructions for youth. Written by the Lady Halket, for the use of those young noblemen and gentlemen, whose education was committed to her care
    Halkett, Anne