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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,621 - 135,640건 출력
  • 135621
    Book Info
    Sir, It having been observ'd, that the charge of the medicines for your hospital has, these last two years, greatly exceeded the expence of former years:
    Pitt, Robert
  • 135622
    Book Info
    Socinianismus purus putus Antichristianismus: seu omnimod? Socinianismi iniquitatis demonstratio. Authore Edmundo Elisio Coll. Bal. in Academi? Oxoniensi quondam Socio. Exurgat Deus, ET Dissipentur Inimici Ejus
    Elys, Edmund
  • 135623
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    Some observation's on our trade, and on the use of a standard
  • 135624
    Book Info
    Some queries which deserve no consideration, answer'd Paragraph by Paragraph, only to satisfie the ridiculous enquiries of the tristing P-----r that made 'em Publick
  • 135625
    Book Info
    Some queries, which may deserve consideration
  • 135626
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    Some reply to a letter pretended to be writ to a Member of Parliament in the country in defence of the treaty of partition
  • 135627
    Book Info
    Some short and plain directions for the spending of one day well; by which (if every day carefully observed) a man may be much enabled, (through God's grace) to spend his whole life well
    Synge, Edward
  • 135628
    Book Info
    Spain's New-Year's-Gift, in the person of the Duke d'Anjou examined: or, an answer to the French king's memorial to the states of Holland
  • 135629
    Book Info
    Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland. Giving an Account of his Foretelling I. The rebellion in Ireland, Forty Years before it came to pass. II. The Confusions and Miseries of England, in Church and State. III. The Death of King Charles the First. IV. His own Poverty and Want,
    Ussher, James
  • 135630
    Book Info
    Swallow. A new almanack for the year of our Lord God 1701. ...
    Swallow, John
  • 135631
    Book Info
    Sylva. Familiar letters upon occasional subjects. By Samuel Parker, Gent.
    Parker, Samuel
  • 135632
    Book Info
    Tables of the emperour, kings, electoral, and all the other soveraign princes, that are now, or have lately been alive in Europe. 1. Their Names: 2. When they were Born; 3. When they came to their Respective Crowns and Principalities; 4. When and whom they have Married. 5. What Children they have got, and the time of their Birth. 6. The Characters of the Chief Princes in Europe. Together with thei
  • 135633
    Book Info
    Tabular arithmetick; or, the universal companion. Containing Cxxix plain and easie tables of merchandise, ready Cast up in Pounds, Shillings, Pence and Farthings; from one Farthing, to Thirty Pounds the Yard, Foot, Pound, Ounce, or any other Denomination; and from one Yard, Foot, Pound, Ounce, &c. to 10000 of the like Species or Denominations. By which Tables, the meanest Capacity may easily resol
    Brampton, John
  • 135634
    Book Info
    Taxe de la Chancelerie Romaine, et la banque du Pape, où l'absolution des crimes les plus enormes se donne pour de l'argent. Ouvrage qui fait voir l'ambition & l'avarice des papes. Traduit de l'ancienne edition latine; avec des remarques. Augmenté d'une nouvelle préface
  • 135635
    Book Info
    Temperance Kirby spinster, executrix of ... Dame Jane Ormisby, ... appellant. Gilbert Ormisby Esq; respondent. The appellant's case:
    Kirby, Temperance
  • 135636
    Book Info
    Temperance Kirby, executrix of Dame Jane Ormsby. Appellant. Appeal from the Exchequer of Ireland. Gilbert Ormsby Esq; Respondent. The respondent's case
    Ormsby, Gilbert
  • 135637
    Book Info
    The Christian hero: an argument proving that no principles but those of religion are sufficient to make a great man.
    Steele, Richard
  • 135638
    Book Info
    The Christian hero: an argument proving that no principles but those of religion are sufficient to make a great man.
    Steele, Richard
  • 135639
    Book Info
    The Christian interpretation of prophecies vindicated. A sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Novemb. 3. 1701. Being the eighth for the year 1701. of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 135640
    Book Info
    The Christian interpretation of prophecies vindicated. A sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Octob. 6. 1701. Being the seventh for the year 1701. of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George