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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,701 - 135,720건 출력
  • 135701
    Book Info
    The case truely stated. For settling in the island of Jersey the use of a notary publick
    De Gruchy, Martin
  • 135702
    Book Info
    The choice, or wish; a poem. Written by a person of quality
    Pomfret, John
  • 135703
    Book Info
    The choice. A poem. Containing I. The gentleman's retirement. II. His fortune and charity. III. His hospitality and temperance. IV. His company. V. His lady and converse. IV. His peaceable life. Vii. His happy death. By a person of quality
    Pomfret, John
  • 135704
    Book Info
    The christian sacrifice. A treatise shewing the necessity, end and manner of receiving the Holy Communion: together with suitable prayers and meditations for every Month in the Year; and the Principal Festivals in Memory of our Blessed saviour. In four parts. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Simon Lord Bishop of Ely
    Patrick, Simon
  • 135705
    Book Info
    The claims of the people of England, essayed, In a Letter from the Country
  • 135706
    Book Info
    The clergy-man's law: or, the complete incumbent, collected from the 39 articles, Canons, Proclamations, Decrees in Chancery and Exchequer, as also from all acts of Parliament, and common-law cases, relating to the Church and clergy of England; digested under proper Heads for the Benefit of Patrons of Churches, and the Parochial Clergy. And will be Useful to all Students, and Practitioners of the
    Watson, William
  • 135707
    Book Info
    The comedies, tragedies, and operas written by John Dryden, Esq; Now first collected together, and corrected from the originals. In two volumes
    Dryden, John
  • 135708
    Book Info
    The comedies, tragedies, and operas written by John Dryden, Esq; Now first collected together, and corrected from the originals. In two volumes.
    Dryden, John
  • 135709
    Book Info
    The comedies, tragedies, and operas written by John Dryden, Esq; With A secular masque, being the last of his performances for the stage. Now first collected together, and corrected from the originals. In two volumes
    Dryden, John
  • 135710
    Book Info
    The communion service of the Church in the Book of Common-Prayer, the best companion to the altar. Approved of by His Grace, the Lord Arch-Bishop of Dublin. By S.C. Lecturer of New St. Michans
    Colby, Samuel
  • 135711
    Book Info
    The compleat caterer: or, instructions How to Chuse The best of Provisions, viz. of Flesh, Fish and Fowl
  • 135712
    Book Info
    The compleat conveyancer. A collection of presidents for conveyances: being such draughts which have either been drawn or perused by the late eminent and learned conveyancers, Sir John Maynard Kt. Sir Francis Pemberton Kt. Sir Ambrose Philips Kt. and Sir Thomas Skipwith Kt. Serjeants at Law, Sir John King Kt. Isaac Ewer Esq; and other the Chiefest Conveyancers of the Age; whereby the Estates of se
  • 135713
    Book Info
    The compleat surgeon : or, the whole art of surgery explain'd in a most familiar method. Containing An exact Account of its Principles and several Parts, viz. Of the Bones, Muscles, Tumours, Ulcers, and Wounds, simple and complicated, or those by Gun-Shot; as also of Venereal Diseases, the Scurvy, Fractures, Luxations, and all sorts of Chirurgical Operations. To which is added, A Chirurgical Di...
    Le Clerc, Charles Gabriel
  • 135714
    Book Info
    The compleat works of that eminent minister of God's word Mr. Isaac Ambrose, ...
    Ambrose, Isaac
  • 135715
    Book Info
    The complete gard'ner : or, directions for cultivating and right ordering of fruit-gardens, and kitchen gardens. By Monsieur de la Quintinye. Now compendiously abridg'd, and made of more Use, with very Considerable Improvements. By George London, and Henry Wise.
    La Quintinie, Jean de
  • 135716
    Book Info
    The conference of Monsieur Le Brun, cheif [sic] painter to the French King, ... upon expression, general and particular. Translated from the French, and adorned with 43 copper-plates
    Le Brun, Charles
  • 135717
    Book Info
    The congratulations of several kings and princes of Europe to King James the II. on the Birth of the Prince of Wales, who was born on the 10th of June 1688. Collected out of the gazettes from the 10th of June to the 7th of November, 1688. As also a list of the Names of those worthy Persons of the two Universities, that writ the Congratulary Poems in Latin and English, on the Birth of the Prince of
  • 135718
    Book Info
    The constables hue and cry after whores & bawds, &c. With a pleaseant disruption of their habits, ... as also a list of some of the chief of their names, and usual places of rendizvouz [sic] in about [sic] the city of London. ... Printed according to order
  • 135719
    Book Info
    The constant couple, or, a trip to the Jubilee. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. The third edition; vvith a new scene added to the part of Wildair; and a new prologue. By Mr. George Farquhar
    Farquhar, George
  • 135720
    Book Info
    The constant couple, or, a trip to the Jubilee. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. The third edition; with a new scene added to the part of Wildair; and a new prologue. By Mr. George Farquhar
    Farquhar, George