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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,861 - 135,880건 출력
  • 135861
    Book Info
    The life of Wm. Fuller, alias Fullee, alias Fowler, alias Ellison, &c. by original, a butcher's son; by Education, a Coney-Wool-Cutter; by Inclination, an Evidence; by Vote of Parliament, an Impostor; by Title of his own making, a Colonel; and by his own Demerits, now a Prisoner at large belonging to the Fleet. The first and second part
    Kingston, Richard
  • 135862
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    The life of the Lady Halket
    S. C
  • 135863
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    The life of the late famous comedian, Jo. Hayns. Containing, his comical exploits and adventures, both at home and abroad
    Thomas, Tobyas
  • 135864
    Book Info
    The lists of the liveries of the fifty six companies, in the City of London: as delivered upon oath to the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Abney, Knt; Lord Mayor. With an account who poll'd, and who did not at the late election of Members of parliament for the said City of London. ...
  • 135865
    Book Info
    The livery man's reasons, why he did not give his vote for a certain gentleman, either to be Lord Mayor; or, parliament man for the City of London
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 135866
    Book Info
    The lives of the primitive fathers, viz. Clemens Alexandrinus, Eusebius Bishop of Cæsarea, Gregory Nazianzen, and Prudentius, the Christian poet. Containing, An Impartial Account of their Lives and Writings: With their several opinions about the deity of Christ. Which may give some light to the late disputes concerning the Trinity. With many curious observations upon both. Also a short history of
    Le Clerc, Jean
  • 135867
    Book Info
    The memorial, alias Legion, answered, paragraph by paragraph: with a reply to the scurrilous reflections in verse, on the proceedings of the House of Commons
  • 135868
    Book Info
    The merchant's magazine: or, trades-man's treasury. Containing I. Arithmetick in Whole Numbers and Fractions, Vulgar and Decimal; with the Reason and Demonstration of each Rule: Adorn'd with curious Copper-Cutts of the chief Tables and Titles II. Merchants Accompts, or a most Concise Way of Casting up the Value of Merchandize, Tare and Trett, Interest of Coin, Rule of Barter, Loss and Gain, Fellow
    Hatton, Edward
  • 135869
    Book Info
    The merchant, citizen and country-man's instructor: or, a necessary companion for all people. Containing, I. Directions to planters of sugar, and to make it. II. To a Planter touching Cotton, and the Advantage thereof. III. The Art of Distillation, and the great Advantage thereof to England. IV. Of Fermentation, and the Invention thereof. V. Directions for Young and Old to attain speedily the Know
    Tryon, Thomas
  • 135870
    Book Info
    The merciful assizes: or, a panegyric On the Late Lord Jeffreys Hanging so many in the West. With The Lives, Characters, and Dying Speeches of the many Hundreds that were Converted by his Lordship's Sentence. As also Some secret memoirs relating to the West, never Publish'd till now. In a letter to Madam H- who had a brother Drawn, Hang'd and Quarter'd at Taunion
    Dunton, John
  • 135871
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    The method of good preaching, being the advice of a French Reform'd minister to his son. Translated out of French, into English
    Delm{acute}e, Philippe
  • 135872
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    The mismanagements of the customs considered, as the only means promoting clandestine trade. In a letter to a Member of Parliament
  • 135873
    Book Info
    The most Christian King's letter to the States General of the United Provinces, upon his recalling the Count d'Avaux his ambassador extraordinary at the Hague; together with the said ambassador's memorial; both presented by him to the States the 15/26 July: and the answer of the States General to the said memorial, delivered to the ambassador the 21 July,/1 August, 1701
  • 135874
    Book Info
    The most delectable history of Reynard the Fox. Newly corrected and purged from all the grosenesses both in phrase and matter. As also augmented and inlarged with sundry excellent moralls and expositions vpon euery seuerall chapter. Neuer before this time imprinted
  • 135875
    Book Info
    The most excellent Maria, in a brief character of her incomparable virtues and goodness. By her eternal honourer, Sir Edward Dering Knight
    Dering, Edward
  • 135876
    Book Info
    The most proper and effectual expedient to secure this nation against all counsels and attempts of any papal faction for the future
    Stephens, Edward
  • 135877
    Book Info
    The mysteries of opium reveal'd : by Dr. John Jones, Chancellor of Landaff, a Member of the College of Physicians in London: And formerly Fellow of Jesus-College in Oxford. Who, I. Gives an Account of the Name, Make, Choice, Effects, &c. of Opium. II. Proves all former Opinions of its Operation to be meer Chimera's. III. Demonstrates what its true Cause is; by which he easily, and Mechanically ...
    Jones, John
  • 135878
    Book Info
    The necessity of a national reformation of manners; or, the duty of magistrates, ministers, and all others, to put the laws in execution against profaneness and immorality. Being a sermon, preached at the Church of St. Mary, in Nottingham, before the Mayor ... and the Society for Reformation of Manners. And publish'd at their request. The second edition. By John Ellis, ...
    Ellis, John
  • 135879
    Book Info
    The new description and state of England, containing the mapps of the counties of England and Wales, in fifty three copper-plates, Newly Design'd, Exactly Drawn and Engraven by the Best Artists. The several Counties described, the Account of their Ancient and Modern Names, Extent, Soil, Former and Present Inhabitants, their Number, Rarities, Market-Towns, and Days whereon the Markets are kept, Hun
    Morden, Robert
  • 135880
    Book Info
    The new state of England, under our present monarch K. William III. In three parts. Containing, I. A General Account of England. With a particular Description of its several Counties, Cities, Universities, Markets and Borough-Towns: And a Survey of Wales. II. Of the Original, Temper, Genius, Language, Trade, Religion and Government of the English. Of the King's Prerogative, Power, Court, and Reven
    Mi{grave}ege, Guy