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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,901 - 135,920건 출력
  • 135901
    Book Info
    The present state of the universe, or an account of I. The rise, births, names, ... of all the present chief princes of the world. ...
    Beaumont, John
  • 135902
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    The present succession of Spain consider'd: and a view of its consequences to the rest of Europe, particularly England and Holland
  • 135903
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    The pretences of the Prince of Wales examin'd, and rejected. In a letter to a friend in the country
    Hickes, George
  • 135904
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    The principal acts of the General Assembly, of the Church of Scotland; conveened at Edinburgh February 19. 1701 ...
    Church of Scotland
  • 135905
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    The principles of Mr. Atterbury's book, Of the rights, powers, and privileges of an English convocation, consider'd. And his arguments against Dr. Wake, and others, stated and examined
    West, Richard
  • 135906
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    The principles of the Christian religion explained, and practically improved. Collected out of modern authors, with a few Additions of his own. By Samuel Clifford, Minister of the Gospel
    Clifford, Samuel
  • 135907
    Book Info
    The proceedings in Parliament against Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount of St. Albans, and Lord-Chancellor of England, Anno Dom. 1620. With his letters to the House of Lords on that occasion
    Bacon, Francis
  • 135908
    Book Info
    The protestation of Thomas, up Shinkin, up Morgan, up Howellup William, up Raph, up Shon, up Taffie, shentileman of Wales, concerning the distemperature of these times; together with her owne will written, puplished py her owne hand fifteen tayes after her teeth; with a song which her was never apide, in awle her life, pecause it was jeer her country
    Thomas, up Shinkin, up Morgan, up Howellup William, up Raph, up Shon, up Taffie
  • 135909
    Book Info
    The psalms of David in metre: fitted to the tunes used in parish-churches : By John Patrick, D. D. Preacher to the Charter-House, London.
    Patrick, John
  • 135910
    Book Info
    The reformed kalendar: or, an essay towards altering our Julian kalendar to a nearer conformity with truth and our Christian æra, than hath been yet done by the Gregorian regulation. With an exemplar thereof fitted for the year 1704. Wherein is also considered, What hath been Urged or Insinuated against the Attempting any Reformation herein. Humbly Proposed to the Consideration of our Governors, a
  • 135911
    Book Info
    The reformer. Exposing the vices of the age in several characters. ... To which is added, The rambling rakes: or, London libertines, ... Together with Three nights adventures: ... Also A step to the bath: ...
    Ward, Edward
  • 135912
    Book Info
    The reformer: or, the vices of the age expos'd, I. In several characters, ... II. The kambling [sic] rakes. ... III. Three nights adventures. ... To which are added, Step to the bath : ...
    Ward, Edward
  • 135913
    Book Info
    The regal supremacy in ecclesiastical affairs asserted in a discourse Occasioned by the Case of the Regale and Pontificat
  • 135914
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    The rehearsal, as it is now acted at the Theatre-Royal. By George late Duke of Buckingham.
    Buckingham, George Villiers
  • 135915
    Book Info
    The religion of the Bible : or, a summary view of the Holy Scriptures, as the records of true religion; and as the Instrument which God uses for making Men Truly Religious; Containing A few, short, and plain Directions; by the Help of which, a Christian may take up the Idea of his Religion from Bible it self; and may read the Word of God with Judgment, and Profit. By John Jeffery, D. D. Arch-De...
    Jeffery, John
  • 135916
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    The revels of the gods: or, a ramble thro' the heavens. By the author of The trip to Jamaica
    Ward, Edward
  • 135917
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    The right Honourable the Earl of Arlington's letters to Sir W. Temple, Bar. From July 1665. Being the first of his employments abroad, to September 1670. when he was recall'd. Giving a perfect and exact account of the treaties of Munster, Breda, Aix la Chapelle, and the Triple Alliance; Together with The particular Instructions to Sir William Temple, the Earl of Carlingford and Mr. Van Beuningen:
    Arlington, Henry Bennet
  • 135918
    Book Info
    The right of the archbishop to continue or prorogue the whole Convocation: asserted in a second letter; by way of reply to a pamphlet, entitled, The power of the lower-house of Convocation to adjourn it self, &c. And also to a late Book, Entitled, A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Lower-House, &c. with the Publisher's Preface: As far as they relate to the Point of Continuation
    Gibson, Edmund
  • 135919
    Book Info
    The rights and liberties of Englishmen asserted. With a Collection of Statutes and Records of Parliament against Foreigners. Shewing, That by the Constitution of England, no Outlandish Man, whether Naturaliz'd or not, is capable of any Office in England or Ireland. That no Man ought to be made a Bishop, but he that is English born. That no Outlandish Man ought to work or trade, but under the Gover
    Wagstaffe, Thomas
  • 135920
    Book Info
    The rights of the House of Austria to the Spanish succession. Published by order of his Imperial Majesty, and translated from the original printed at Vienna
    Holy Roman Empire