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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 135,961 - 135,980건 출력
  • 135961
    Book Info
    The true-born Englishman: a satyr, answer'd, paragraph by paragraph.
    Pittis, William
  • 135962
    Book Info
    The true-born Englishman: a satyr, answer'd, paragraph by paragraph.
    Pittis, William
  • 135963
    Book Info
    The tryal and conviction of Patrick Hurly; late of Moughna, in the county of Clare, gent. in His Majesty's court of King's-Bench in Ireland, the 31st of May 1701, ... To which are [sic] added An appendix: being an answer to a libel intituled Patrick Hurly's vindication, ...
    Hurly, Patrick
  • 135964
    Book Info
    The tryal and conviction of Patrick Hurly; late of Moughna, in the county of Clare, gent. in His Majesty's court of King's-Bench in Ireland, the 31st of May 1701, ... To which is added An appendix: being an answer to a libel intituled Patrick Hurly's vindication, ...
    Hurly, Patrick
  • 135965
    Book Info
    The turkish history, comprehending the origin of that nation, and the growth of the Othoman empire, with the Lives and Conquests Of their several Kings and Emperors. Written by Mr. Knolles, and continu'd by the Honourable Sir Paul Rycaut, to the Peace at Carlowitz, in the Year 1699. And abridg'd by Mr. Savage. Revis'd and approv'd by the late Sir Paul Rycaut, and adorn'd with nine and twenty coppe
    Knolles, Richard
  • 135966
    Book Info
    The unhappiness of England, as to its trade by sea and land. Truly Stated. Also a lively Representation of the Miseries of the Poor, the pernicious consequence of wearing Swords, and the ill Presidents Acted at the two Theaters; with effectual means to redress these growing Evils; and several other remarkable Particulars. To which is added, An Essay of the Happiness of Man in observing the Rules o
    Povey, Charles
  • 135967
    Book Info
    The unparrellel'd issue plaisters and pease for issues, that has been so often advertised in the publick news for these many years past, and have been sold with good success for above 30 years, by Mr. John Bowden, the sole author, at the Plow and Harrow in Chancery-Lane, next Fleet-Street, viz.
    Bowden, John
  • 135968
    Book Info
    The vail turn'd aside: or, heresy unmask'd. Being a reply to a book, entituled, The moderate trinitarian. Shewing, I. The Author (mr. Allen's) immoderate Dealing with the Orthodox, and his endeavouring to betray the Truth of Christianity. II. His specious Pretences of the Agreement between the Orthodox and others, about the Trinity and Existence of Jesus Christ, examined, and shewn, that the irrec
    Cooper, Christopher
  • 135969
    Book Info
    The victuallers case, humbly offered to the consideration of their excellencies the Lords Justices, and the rest of the Kings ministers
    S. M
  • 135970
    Book Info
    The villainy of stock-jobbers detected, and the causes of the late run upon the bank and bankers discovered and considered
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 135971
    Book Info
    The way to get wealth: or, a new and easie way to make twenty three sorts of wine, equal to that of France; with their Vertues. Also to make Cyder, Mead, Rum, Rack, Brandy, and Cordial Waters: Pickles, Vinegar, and the Mystery of Vintners. Also, divers Physical Receipts to help a Bad Memory, so that you may remember all that you read or do. To make Cloaths keep out Rain. The Compleat Servant-Maid,
    Tryon, Thomas
  • 135972
    Book Info
    The whole book of psalms: with the usual hymns and spiritual songs. Together with all the ancient and proper tunes sung in churches, with some of later use. Composed in three parts, cantus, medius, & bassus: ... By John Playford.
    Playford, John
  • 135973
    Book Info
    The whole duty of a woman
  • 135974
    Book Info
    The whole duty of a woman: or a guide to the female sex. From the age of sixteen to sixty, &c. ... Written by a lady.
  • 135975
    Book Info
    The whole works of that excellent practical physician, Dr. Thomas Sydenham : Wherein not only the history and cures of acute diseases are treated of, after a new and accurate method; but also the shortest and safest way of curing most chronical diseases. Corrected from the Original Latin, by John Pechey, M. D. of the College of Physicians in London.
    Sydenham, Thomas
  • 135976
    Book Info
    The whole works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, ... in two volumes. ...
    Flavel, John
  • 135977
    Book Info
    The wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation, in two parts, Viz. The Heavenly Bodies, Elements, Meteors, Fossils, Vegetables, Animals, (beasts, Birds, Fishes, and Insects) more particularly in the Body of the Earth, its Figure, Motion, and Consistency, and in the admirable Structure of the Bodies of Man, and other Animals, as also in their Generation, &c. With answers to some objectio
    Ray, John
  • 135978
    Book Info
    The works of Francis Osborn, Esq; divine, moral, historical, political. In four several tracts. Viz. I. Advice to a son, in two parts. II. Political reflections on the government of the Turks, &c. III. Memoirs on Q. Elizabeth and K. James. IV. A miscellany of Essays, Paradoxes, Problematical Discourses, Letters, Characters, &c
    Osborne, Francis
  • 135979
    Book Info
    The works of Josephus. Containing I. The Life of Josephus, by Himself. II. The Jewish Antiquities, in Twenty Books. III. Their Wars with the Romans, in Seven Books. IV. His Book against Apion, in the Defence of the Antiquities of the Jews, in Two Parts. V. The Martyrdom of the Maccabees: as also, VI. Philo's Embassie from the Jews of Alexandria to Caius Caligula. With great Diligence revised and a
    Josephus, Flavius
  • 135980
    Book Info
    The works of Plato abridg'd. With an account of his life, philosophy, morals, and politicks. Together with a translation of his choicest dialogues, ... In two volumes. Illustrated with notes. By M. Dacier. Translated from the French. ...