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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 136,001 - 136,020건 출력
  • 136001
    Book Info
    Two love poems. I. Strephon's love to Delia. Justified; in a letter to Celadon. II. Strephon's address to Delia. By the author of the Choice
    Pomfret, John
  • 136002
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    Two remarkable females of womankind, fore-prophecied in the scriptures, and given as signs of the times. ... With instructions how to read the scriptures ...
    Mercin, M
  • 136003
    Book Info
    Two sermons, the one urging the necessity of receiving, and the other answering all the excuses for not receiving the Lord's-Supper. Published at the Request of a Religious Society, as Proper to be Given away in particular Parishes, where the Sin of Non-Communicating is so General and apparently Obstructing a Reformation of Manners. By Peter Newcome, M. A. Vicar of Aldenham in Hertfordshire. The S
    Newcome, Peter
  • 136004
    Book Info
    Two sermons: Wherein is shewn how God is the chiefest good either in heaven or earth, and how he may be ours. On Psal. LXXIII. 25. By Edmund Godwin
    Godwin, Edmund
  • 136005
    Book Info
    Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session. The Petition of Dame Janet Murray Relict of Sir Charlels Halket of Pitfirran, Heir Served and Retoured to the deceast Sir Patrick Murrary of Pitdinnes her Father
    Murray, Janet
  • 136006
    Book Info
    Vanity of vanities, or, a dialogue shewing how uncertain and vain a thing the life of man is. Betweed [sic] a prince, a begger [sic], and death. To the tune of, Aim not too high, &c.
  • 136007
    Book Info
    Vestibulum technicum: or, an artificial vestibulum wherein the sense of Janua Linguarum is contained, and most of the leading words, chapter by chapter, are compiled into plain and short sentences, fit for the initiation of children. It will very much ease the Master, and exceedingly promote the expeditious Progress of the Scholar. Revised and corrected by Seth Boncle, School-Master to the Right W
  • 136008
    Book Info
    Vox stellarum; being an almanack for the year of human redemption 1701. ... By Francis Moore, ...
    Moore, Francis
  • 136009
    Book Info
    Warning and advice both unto the secure and doubting Christian or more diligence to be sure of salvation. Wherein these things are considered, The Nature of godly Assurance. II. Infallible grounds for the Believers certainty III. That this certainty may be had without extraordinary Revelations, albeit notwith out the Assistance of Gods spirit. IV. Special Advantages by true Assurance. V. Reasons w
    Craghead, Robert
  • 136010
    Book Info
    Wedlock a paradice; or, a defence of woman's liberty against man's tyranny. In opposition to a poem, entitul'd, The pleasures of a single life, &c.
  • 136011
    Book Info
    Wednesday January I. 1701. A little before break-a-day at Boston of the Massachusets
    Sewall, Samuel
  • 136012
    Book Info
    White, 1701. A new almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1701. And the year from the World's Creation, 5650. Being the first from Bissextile, or Leap-Year. Calculated for the Meridian of Todington in Bedfordshire, where the Pole Artick is elevated above the Horizon 52 degrees, and 8 minutes; and may serve for all parts of England, without any sensible error. By Tho. White
    White, Thomas
  • 136013
    Book Info
    Whitehall, Feb. 9. 1701 The Dutch mail of Tuesday last came in this morning, and brought the following account
  • 136014
    Book Info
    William Hancock, Esq; Leonard Hatfield, Gent. appellants. Appeal from the Chancery of Ireland. Sir Arthur Shaen, Baronet, respondent. The respondent's case
    Shaen, Arthur
  • 136015
    Book Info
    William Handcock, and Leonard Hatfeild, Esqs: appellants. Sir Arthur Shaen, Bar. ... Respondent. The appellant's case
    Handcock, William
  • 136016
    Book Info
    William the Third, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all Christian people, to whom these presents shall come, greeting: I. Whereas we are credibly informed, that in many of our plantations, Colonies and Factories beyond the Seas, belonging to Our Kingdom of England, the Provision for Ministers is very Mean, and many other of Our sai
    England | Wales
  • 136017
    Book Info
    Wits academy: or, the Muses Delight. Being the newest academy of complements. Consisting of merry dialogues upon various occasions, Composed of Mirth, Wit, and Eloquence. As also Divers sorts of letters Upon several Occasions, both Merry and Jocose: Helpful for the Inexpert to imitate, and pleasant to those of better Judgment, at their own leisure to peruse. With a perfect collection of all the ne
    Hicks, William
  • 136018
    Book Info
    Wonderful example of God's justice shewed upon one Jasper Conningham, ... who was of opinion, that there was neither God, nor devil, &c. To the tune of, O neighbour Robert, &c. Licens'd and entered
  • 136019
    Book Info
    Ye true-born Englishmen proceed: Our trifling crimes detect, ...
    Defoe, Daniel
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  • 136020
    Book Info
    [An essay for regulating and making more useful the militia, of this kingdom. To which is added a scheme for the distributing musters and exercise.]