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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part II

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총 2,034건 중 1 - 20건 출력
  • 1
    Book Info
    A manual of General Dundas's XVIII Man
  • 2
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    A marine pocket-dictionary, of the Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and German languages, with an English-French, and French-English index; being a collection of a great variety of the most useful sea-terms in the above idioms. By Henry Newman, agent and translator of languages
  • 3
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    Magazin historique, pour former l'esprit et le coeur
  • 4
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    Management: a comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Frederick Reynolds
  • 5
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    Maniere de se servir de la machine portative à copier. Inventée & patentée par Jacques Watt & Co. de Soho, près de Birmingham
  • 6
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    Marengo; or The campaign of Italy, by the Army of Reserve, under the command of the Chief Consul Bonaparte. Translated from the French, of Joseph Petit, horse-grenadier in the consular guard. With a map of the North-West part of Italy; shewing the route of the army. To which is added, a biographical notice of the life and military actions of General Desiax. By C. Foudras
  • 7
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    Maritime School on the Banks of the Thames, for the education of youth intended for the sea service. The education of the rising generation, will ever be the first object in the thoughts of those subjects, who seek the glory and stability of their country. The fear of god comprehends obedience to laws and government; ...
  • 8
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    Marmontel's tales, selected and abridged, for the instruction and amusement of youth. By Mrs. Pilkington. Ornamented with twenty-six beautiful engravings, cut on wood
  • 9
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    Masonry in its glory: or Solomon's temple illuminated: discerned through the flashes of prophetic light, now darting through the region of the blazing star, to lie at the threshold of the temple of God, during the glory of the latter day: --waiting the rays of the seven lamps, that the light of its existence might break forth, by David Austin, Junr: citizen of the world. Published agreeably to act
  • 10
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    Materials for talking familiarly with children of all ranks, on the subject of religion. By Sir James Stonhouse, bart. M.D. rector of Great and Little Cheverel, Wiltshire
  • 11
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    Memoir on the analysis of the black vomit, ejected in the last stage of the yellow fever. By Isaac Cathrall
  • 12
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    Memoirs of Adj. Gen. Ramel: Containing certain facts relative to the eighteenth Fructidor, his exile to Cayenne, and escape from thence with Pichegru, Barthelemy, willot, Aubry, Dossonville, Larue, and Le Tellier. Translated from the French editon, published at Hamburgh, 1799, by C.L. Pelichet, late of the Prince of Wales's Pencible infantry
  • 13
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    Memoirs of Charles Dennis Rusoe D'Eres, a native of Canada; who was with the Scanyawtauragahrooote Indians eleven years, with a particular account of his sufferings, &c. during his tarry with them, and his safe return to his family connections in Canada; to which is added an appendix, containing a brief account of their persons, dress, manners, reckoning time, mode of government, &c. Feasts, dance
  • 14
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    Memorial by the general collector, to the trustees for managing the fund established for a provision to ministers widows, &c. in Scotland. Containing, remarks on a paper prefixed, which has been circulated by certain members of the presbytery of Linlithgow, relating to the management of the said fund
  • 15
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    Memory of Washington: comprising a sketch of his life and character; and the national testimonials of respect. Also, a collection of eulogies and orations. With a copious appendix
  • 16
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    Mentoria; or, the young ladies instructor: in familiar conversations, on moral and entertaining subjects. Calculated to improve Young Minds In the Essential as well as Ornamental Parts Of Female Education. By Ann Murry
  • 17
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    Message from the president of the United States, accompanying an account of the application of grants, made by Congress for the contingent expenses of government, from the 1st of January, to the 5th of December, 1799. 20th January, 1800. Ordered to lie on the table. (Published by order of the House of Representatives.)
  • 18
    Book Info
    Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a report from the secretary of war, accompanied by a return of the officers who have been appointed under the act, entitled 'An act to augment the Army of the United States, and for other purposes,' designating such officers who have accepted their appointments, and those who have declined accepting, resigned their commissions, died, &c
  • 19
    Book Info
    Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a report of the secretary of state, and sundry documents relative to the requisition for and delivery of Jonathan Robbins; in pursuance of a resolution of this House, of the 4th instant. 7th February, 1800. Ordered to lie on the table. (Published by order of the House of Representatives.)
  • 20
    Book Info
    Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a report of the secretary of war, on certain measures which appear to him to be necessary for the improvement of our military system. 13th January, 1800. Referred to the committee, appointed on the 9th ultime, t whom was referred so much of the speech of the president as relates to 'a system of national defence, commensurate with our re