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총 463건 중 381 - 400건 출력
  • 381
    Book Info
    Qualitative Indicators of Labour Standards: Comparative Methods and Applications (Social indicators research series, 1387-6570 ; v. 30)
    Springer e-Book Collection (2007)
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  • 382
    Book Info
    Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS: An Introduction for Health and Social Sciences
    Greasley, Pete
  • 383
    Book Info
    Register-based Statistics in the Nordic Countries: Review of Best Practices With Focus on Population and Social Statistics
    United Nations
    EBSCO eBooks
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  • 384
    Book Info
    Seasonality in Human Mortality: A Demographic Approach (Demographic research monographs)
    Rau, Roland
    Springer e-Book Collection (2007)
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  • 385
    Book Info
    State and Local Government Statistics at a Crossroads
    National Research Council | Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education | Committee on National Statistics | Panel on Research and Development Priorities for the U.S. Census Bureau's State and Local Government Statistics Program
    EBSCO eBooks
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  • 386
    Book Info
    Statistical Yearbook
    United Nations
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  • 387
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    Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific. 2007
    United Nations
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  • 388
    Book Info
    The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 2014
    Newport, Frank
  • 389
    Book Info
    Using the American Community Survey: Benefits and Challenges
    Kalton, Graham | Citro, Constance F.
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  • 390
    Book Info
    Working Through Barriers: Host Country Institutions and Immigrant Labour Market Performance in Europe
    Kogan, Irena
    Springer e-Book Collection (2007)
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  • 391
    Book Info
    Anuario Estadístico De América Latina Y El Caribe. 2005: Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean
    United Nations
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  • 392
    Book Info
    Bulletin on Population and Vital Statistics in the ESCWA Region. Al-ʻAdad Al-ʻāshir: Nashrat Al-sukkān Wa-al-iḥṣāʼāt Al-ḥayawīyah Fī Minṭaqat Al-Lajnah Al-Iqtia Ādīyah Wa-al-Ijtimāe Īyah Li-Gharbī Āsiyā
    Nations, United
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  • 393
    Book Info
    Bulletin on Population and Vital Statistics in the ESCWA Region. Al-ʻAdad Al-tāsiʻ: Nashrat Al-sukkān Wa-al-iḥṣāʼāt Al-ḥayawīyah Fī Minṭaqat Al-Lajnah Al-Iqtia Ādīyah Wa-al-Ijtimāe Īyah Li-Gharbī Āsiyā
    United Nations
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  • 394
    Book Info
    Community Quality-of-life Indicators: Best Cases II (Social indicators research series ; v. 28)
    Springer e-Book Collection (2006)
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  • 395
    Book Info
    Dynamic Population Models (Springer series on demographic methods and population analysis ; 17)
    Schoen, Robert
    Springer e-Book Collection (2006)
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  • 396
    Book Info
    Pocket World in Figures : 2007 Edition
    The Economist
    Business Source Ultimate
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  • 397
    Book Info
    Sampling Algorithms (Springer series in statistics)
    Tillé, Yves
    Springer e-Book Collection (2006)
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  • 398
    Book Info
    Sampling Methods: Exercises and Solutions
    Ardilly, Pascal | Tillé, Yves
    Springer e-Book Collection (2006)
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  • 399
    Book Info
    Selected Papers of Frederick Mosteller (Springer series in statistics)
    Springer e-Book Collection (2006)
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  • 400
    Book Info
    State Rankings 2006: A Statistical View of the 50 United States
    Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary | Morgan, Scott
    EBSCO eBooks
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