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SCIENCE / Energy

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총 1,621건 중 1,561 - 1,580건 출력
  • 1561
    Book Info
    L'atome écologique
    Bernard Wiesenfeld
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  • 1562
    Book Info
    Environment, Energy, and Economy: Strategies for Sustainability
    Kaya, Yåoichi | Yokobori, Keiichi
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  • 1563
    Book Info
    European Electricity Systems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of Policy and Regulation in Western Europe (Elsevier global energy policy and economics series)
    A. Midttun
    Elsevier e-Book Collection
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  • 1564
    Book Info
    Geometry and Nature
    Clifford, William Kingdon | Nencka, Hanna | Bourguignon, J.-P.
  • 1565
    Book Info
    History and Overview of Solar Heat Technologies
    Beattie, Donald A.
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  • 1566
    Book Info
    Peer Review in the Department of Energy-Office of Science and Technology: Interim Report
    National Research Council | Commission on Geosciences, Environment | Resources | Committee on the Department of Energy-Office of Science | Technology's Peer Review Program
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  • 1567
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    Physics in the Nineteenth Century
    Purrington, Robert D.
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  • 1568
    Book Info
    Review of the Department of Energy's Inertial Confinement Fusion Program: The National Ignition Facility
    National Research Council
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  • 1569
    Book Info
    Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment
  • 1570
    Book Info
    The Physics of Complex Systems: Proceedings of the International School of Physics <>: Course CXXXIV: Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 9-19 July 1996 (Fisica Dei Sistemi Complessi)
    F. Mallamace | H.E. Stanley
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  • 1571
    Book Info
    Competition in the Electric Industry: Emerging Issues, Opportunities, and Risks for Facility Operators
    Federal Facilities Council
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  • 1572
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    Fundamentals of Building Energy Dynamics (Solar heat technologies ; 4)
    Bruce D. Hunn
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  • 1573
    Book Info
    Quantum Groups and Their Applications in Physics: Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 28 June-8 July 1994 (Gruppi Quantici E Loro Appliczaioni in Fisica)
    Wess, Julius | Castellani, Leonardo | Società italiana di fisica
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  • 1574
    Book Info
    Toxicological and Performance Aspects of Oxygenated Motor Vehicle Fuels
    National Research Council | Division on Earth and Life Studies | Commission on Life Sciences | Committee on Toxicological and Performance Aspects of Oxygenated Motor Vehicle Fuels
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  • 1575
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    Aristotle's Physics: A Guided Study (Masterworks of discovery)
    Sachs, Joe | Aristotle
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  • 1576
    Book Info
    Microbial Pentose Utilization: Current Applications in Biotechnology (Progress in industrial microbiology ; v. 33)
    Elsevier e-Book Collection
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    Elsevier e-Book Collection (의학)
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  • 1577
    Book Info
    Beginning a Dialogue on the Changing Environment for the Physical and Mathematical Sciences: Report of a Conference
    National Research Council (U.S.).
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  • 1578
    Book Info
    Diagrammatica: The Path to Feynman Diagrams
    Martinus Veltman
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  • 1579
    Book Info
    Energy Planning, Management, and Efficiency in a Local Context: Summary of an American-Bulgarian-Romanian Workshop, November 8-18, 1993
    Gilbride, Theresa L. | Deets, Stephen G. | Academia Română (1990- ) | Bŭlgarska akademii︠a︡ na naukite | National Research Council (U.S.)
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  • 1580
    Book Info
    Physique des plasmas. 1 (Savoirs actuels. Physique)
    Delcroix, J.-L. | Bers, A.
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