Ethical Complexities in Utilizing Artificial Intelligence for Surrogate Decision Making. Artificial Intelligence, Digital Self, and the "Best Interests" Problem. Personal but Necessarily Predictive? Developing a Bioethics Research Agenda for AI-Enabled Decision-Making Tools. Parrots at the Bedside: Making Surrogate Decisions with Stochastic Strangers. The Patient Preference Predictor: A Timely Boost for Personalized Medicine. Weighing Patient Preferences: Lessons for a Patient Preferences Predictor. The Personalized Patient Preference Predictor: A Harmful and Misleading Solution Losing Sight of the Problem It Claims to Solve. Potentially Perilous Preference Parrots: Why Digital Twins Do Not Respect Patient Autonomy. The Problematic "Existence" of Digital Twins: Human Intention and Moral Decision. Predicting Patient Preferences with Artificial Intelligence: The Problem of the Data Source. Machine Learning Algorithms in the Personalized Modeling of Incapacitated Patients' Decision Making—Is It a Viable Concept? Respect for Autonomy Requires a Mental Model. Can P4 Support Family Involvement and Best Interests in Surrogate Decision-Making? As an AI Model, I Cannot Replace Human Dialogue Processes. However, I Can Assist You in Identifying Potential Alternatives. Social Coercion, Patient Preferences, and AI-Substituted Judgments. Personalized Patient Preference Predictors Are Neither Technically Feasible nor Ethically Desirable. Fairly Incorporating Vaccination Status into Scarce Resource Allocation Frameworks. Good Ethics Begin With Good Facts—Vaccination Sensitive Strategies for Scarce Resource Allocation Are Impractical as Well as Unethical. The Ethics of Using Vaccination Status as a Rationing Criterion: Luck Egalitarianism and Discrimination. Justice Pluralism during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Vexing Vaccine Ethics: Denying ICU Care to Vaccine Refusers. Vaccination-Sensitive Healthcare Rationing: Overlooked Conditions, Translational Ethics, and Climate-Related Challenges. Vaccine-Sensitive Allocation – Another Divide to Divide Us? Harm-Prevention Arguments are Easier to Confuse Than to Rebut. How to Evaluate an Individual's Decision Whether to Vaccinate during a Pandemic: Better by a Knowledge Commons than by Luck Egalitarianism. Priority is Not a Proportional, Fitting, or Fair Return for Vaccination. Is Resource Allocation that is Sensitive to Vaccination Status Coercive? Who Cares? Responsibility - Crime, and Punishment: Why We Should Not Allocate Intensive Care Based on Vaccination Status. Against a New Wave of Vaccine Apartheid: Reconceptualizing Justice in Vaccine-Sensitive Rationing. On the Differing Role of Counterexamples in Philosophical Theory and Health Policy. Should SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination be Required for Heart Transplant Listing. Eliminating or Calibrating the Role of Chance? Acute Resource Scarcity as a Challenge for Luck Egalitarianism. When "Next of Kin" Isn't "Who Knows Best": the Ethics of Choosing a Surrogate Decision Maker. Who Should Decide When the Patient Can't: When Ethics and Law Collide. Navigating Tensions Between Law and Ethics in Surrogate Decision Making. Dealer's Choice?: Choosing Among Surrogate Decision Makers with Different Decisions and Knowledge of the Patient. Emergency Department Boarding of a Teen Requiring Complex Care: How Should an Ethics Consultant Respond? Navigating the Ethical Dilemmas of Youth Boarding in the Emergency Department: Strategies for Respecting Developing Autonomy While Also Reducing Risk. Adolescent Boarding in the ED: Issues of Autonomy, Nonmaleficence, and Distributive Justice. Beyond Trade-Offs: Autonomy, Effectiveness, Fairness, and Normativity in Risk and Crisis Communication. Resuscitating the Dead: NRP and Language. The Unified Brain-Based Determination of Death Conceptually Justifies Death Determination in DCDD and NRP Protocols. Ethical and Equity Guidance for Transplant Programs Considering Thoracoabdominal Normothermic Regional Perfusion (TA-NRP) for Procurement of Hearts. Restoring the Organism as a Whole: Does NRP Resurrect the Dead? An Ethics Committee's Evaluation of Normothermic Regional Perfusion (NRP) in 2018–Unsatisfactory Answers Then—and Now. Normothermic Regional Perfusion, Public Reason, and the Idea of Integrated Organismic Function. Moving Forward With Normothermic Regional Perfusion Amidst Ethical Controversy. New Reasons to Revise the UDDA: Controversies Related to Death by Circulatory-Respiratory Criteria. A Clarified Interpretation of Permanence Justifies Death Determination in NRP Protocols. Requesting an Autopsy of the Dead Donor Rule: Improving, Not Abandoning, the Guiding Rule in Organ Donation.