Linguistic validation of the Aneurysm Dependent Quality of Life (AneurysmDQoL) and Aneurysm Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (AneurysmTSQ) into Spanish and Catalan Tension-filled English at the Multilingual University: A Bakhtinian perspective, by Maria Kuteeva Syntactic complexity in applied linguistics research article abstracts: A corpus-based comparative analysis between MENA and international Teaching and learning medical English for international medical graduates: A scoping review X (Twitter) in the university context: Functions, forms and disciplinary variations of research tweets Person deixis as a communicative tool in medical consultations Sustainability in the translation classroom: Awareness through transformative practical activities 'I had something to say, and I’m saying it now': Rhetorical and linguistic construction of the media genre of the personal account Lexical Semantics for Terminology: An introduction, by Marie-Claude L’Homme Chinese Legal Translation and Language Planning in the New Era, by Xiaobo Dong & Yafang Zhang Metaphor scenarios, stances, and corporate identities Digital Scientific Communication. Identity and Visibility in Research Dissemination, edited by Ramón Plo-Alastrué & Isabel Corona A reception perspective on client-agent interactions in the DiaBiz corpus of spoken Polish The master dashboard screen on a highly-technical computer: The metaphorical portrayal of the IMMUNE SYSTEM in English and Serbian popular medical discourse Students’ voice in essayist prose: A longitudinal and emic approach to positioning Emotion across the LSP curriculum: A modest proposal Editorial A Pragmatic Agenda for Healthcare, edited by Sarah Bigi & Maria Grazia Rossi Attitudinal evaluations in two versions of research articles: A cross-linguistic exploration of their pattern shifts Critical Cognitive Linguistics, by Zhang Hui & Zhang Tianwei COVID-19 online medical consultation in China: A discourse analysis perspective Persuasive Genres: Old and New Media, by Sujata S. Kathpalia The role of syntactic and lexical complexity in undergraduate writing quality Reflexively Speaking: Metadiscourse in English as a Lingua Franca, by Anna Mauranen Making requests at work: An examination of phrase frames in workplace email communication Beyond expectations: (Applied) corpus linguistics and a framework for the study of spoken professional talk Exploring Iranian ESP teachers’ language-related critical incidents Are we witnessing the death of dictionaries? The role of reader-inclusive authorial voice in the process of academic socialization of Management and English Philology students Profiling lexical coverage in EMI academic seminars: a corpus-based study Expressing cause and effect in hard and soft scientific discourse Español académico como LE/L2. Destrezas, competencias y movilidad universitaria, by Susana Pastor Cesteros Whose stance is it, anyway? A corpus-based study of stance expressions in science news articles Genre in English Medical Writing, 1500-1820. Sociocultural Contexts of Production and Use, edited by Irma Taavitsainen, Turo Hiltunen, Jeremy J. Smith & Carla Suhr Editorial Vocabulary profile, lexical density and speech rate of science podcasts: How adequate are they for EAP and ESP listening? Individual differences and non-English-majors’ engagement in business English language classrooms in the Chinese university context Communication for Specific Purposes as translingual Coherence features of published research articles by Japanese authors: Culture-specific features and their acceptability Data and Methods in Corpus Linguistics: Comparative Approaches, edited by Ole Schützler & Julia Schlüter Communication for Specific Purposes as translingual. Profiling lexical coverage in EMI academic seminars: a corpus-based study. Reflexively Speaking: Metadiscourse in English as a Lingua Franca A lexical bundle analysis of art-related crowdfunding projects '... is an open access, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal': How open-access journals describe themselves in their 'Aims and Scope' statements 'Spread is like wildfire': Attracting and retaining attention in COVID19 science tweetorials Multimodal stance and engagement in digital video methods articles ‘Great work folks!’: establishing interpersonal communication in transparent peer reviews of research articles Disseminating legal information on online law forums in English and Italian Visual recontextualisation of meaning in science research articles and News and Views articles