Rol de la Inteligencia Artificial en la personalización de la educación a distancia: una revisión sistemática. (Spanish)
Comprendiendo la adopción de ChatGPT en universidades: el impacto del TPACK y UTAUT2 en los docentes. (Spanish)
Inteligencia artificial generativa para autoaprendizaje en educación superior: Diseño y validación de una máquina de ejemplos. (Spanish)
Conectados fuera, desconectados dentro. Las redes sociales en la formación inicial docente. (Spanish)
Evaluación del uso y aceptación de apps móviles en educación superior mediante el modelo TAM. (Spanish)
Determinantes de la aceptación de la gamificación en la educación superior: un modelo empírico. (Spanish)
Explorando el uso de YouTube entre diferentes colectivos docentes: un análisis de perfiles digitales. (Spanish)
Macroevaluación de la competencia digital docente. Estudio DigCompEdu en España y Portugal. (Spanish)
Competencia digital y creación de contenido en la universidad: influencia de la titularidad y la región. (Spanish)
Escala de autoevaluación de competencias docentes en enseñanza virtual: Un estudio sistemático de diseño y validación. (Spanish)
Explorando los predictores de éxito en los Cursos en Línea Masivos y Abiertos (MOOC). (Spanish)
Modelo de competencias para el aprendizaje online en educación superior: un análisis bibliométrico y revisión sistemática. (Spanish)
Nivel de preparación para aprendizaje en línea en aspirantes a ingresar a Educación Superior a distancia. (Spanish)
Conectando competencias digitales y sociales en un marco flexible y adaptativo para docentes de Formación Profesional. (Spanish)
Realidad virtual para evaluar la competencia en gestión del aula: estudio sobre afrontamiento de conflictos. (Spanish)
La brecha digital de género en los estudiantes de grado en varias universidades españolas. (Spanish)
Youtube and Instagram in higher education: media competencies of university teachers
Creation and validation of a technopedagogical design with flipped learning and collaborative writing
Assessing Teacher Digital Competence. An analysis integrating descriptive, inferential, and multivariate perspectives
Evaluation of contextual variables in the implementation of the Flipped Classroom methodology in secondary education
Computer-supported collaborative learning
Retrospective analysis for the perception of educational tools for the development of collaborative activities in virtual environments
Online collaborative work model from a socio-emotional perspective
Distance Education, transforming realities: a look at insecure environments
Key factors for the success of online collaborative learning in higher education: student’s perceptions
A digital world toolkit: enhancing teachers' metacognitive strategies for student digital literacy development
Is collaborative learning inclusive? Case study on its application in a fully online university
Validation of the OCPBL model for online collaborative project-based learning
Digital andragogy: the need to know and the role of experience in an online Master’s degree
Design and usability of IndagApp: an app for inquiry-based science education
The seductive details in online mathematics learning
Teacher scaffolding for knowledge building in the educational research classroom
The new reality of education in the face of advances in generative artificial intelligence
Education in 2030. Prospects of the future by teachers’ trainees
Virtual Escape Rooms: a gamification tool to enhance motivation in distance education
Pedagogy Wheel for Artificial Intelligence: adaptation of Carrington’s Wheel
Exploring singularity in higher education: innovating to adapt to an uncertain future
Assessment of immersive technologies and STEM focus in initial teacher training
Development of virtual and augmented reality apps for language teaching: a case study
Impact of intensive programming training on the development of Computational Thinking in prospective teachers
Techniques and applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in education: a systematic review
Implementation and training of primary education teachers in computational thinking: a systematic review
Developing the DALI Data Literacy Framework for critical citizenry
Key concepts for quality in online higher education
An effective video-based learning approach: a solution for complex university subjects
Gamification-Education: the power of data. Teachers in social networks
Didactics and technology. Teaching lessons from the long-term emergency remote school
E-textiles for STEAM education in primary and middle school: a systematic review
Evidence of Learning in Educational Practices Mediated by Digital Technologies
Multimodal Identity Artefacts 2.0 as a Mechanism to Promote Personalization of Learning in Higher Education. A Qualitative Study