Book & E-book Book 검색어 입력 도서관 신착도서 고려대학교 도서관에서 이용 가능한 물리학 분야 최신 도서입니다. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 From kinetic theory to turbulence modeling : the legacy of Carlo Cercignani Barbante, Paolo Springer-Verlag(2023) A general relativity coursebook : Einstein's geometric theory of gravity an.. Daw, Edward J. Cambridge University Press(2023) Handbook of accelerator physics and engineering / 3rd ed Chao, Alexander Wu World Scientific(2023) Models and methods for quantum condensation and fluids Bao, Weizhu World Scientific(2023) The kaleidoscope of physics : from soap bubbles to quantum technologies Rigamonti, A. World Scientific(2023) Electromagnetism : principles and modern applications : with exercises and .. White, Christopher World Scientific(2023) Calculus of variations on thin prestressed films : asymptotic methods in el.. Lewicka, Marta Birkhäuser(2023) Superconducting radiofrequency technology for accelerators : state of the a.. Padamsee, Hasan Wiley-VCH(2023) 유변학 김종엽 고려대학교출판문화원 : KU Press(2023) 전자기파란 무엇인가 : 보이지 않는 파동을 보기 위하여 .. 後藤尙久 전파과학사(2018) AI for physics / 1st ed Knecht, Volker CRC Press(2023) Quantum anharmonic oscillator Turbiner, Alexander V World Scientific Publishing(2023) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9