Book & E-book Book 검색어 입력 도서관 신착도서 고려대학교 도서관에서 이용 가능한 물리학 분야 최신 도서입니다. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Quantum phases of matter Sachdev, Subir Cambridge University Press(2023) Modern thermodynamics : from heat engines to dissipative structures / 2nd e.. Kondepudi, Dilip Wiley & Sons(2015) 양자역학 / 제2판 신상진 경문사(2023) Introduction to accelerator dynamics Peggs, Stephen Cambridge University Press(2017) Superconductivity and quantum fluids Galasiewicz, Zygmunt M Pergamon Press(1970) (Giancoli) 일반물리학 Giancoli, Douglas C. 북스힐(2023) 대학물리학 / 개정판 Serway, Raymond A. 북스힐(2023) Sound visualization and manipulation 김양한 Wiley(2013) Thermal radiation : an introduction / 1st ed Howell, John R. CRC Press(2023) An introduction to synchrotron radiation : techniques and applications Willmott, Phil John Wiley(2011) Non-Neutral Plasma Physics V: Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas Martin Schauer American Inst. of Physics(2003) Nonlinear and collective phenomena in beam physics : 1998 workshop, Arcidos.. Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop American Institute of Physics(1999) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9