Introduction: Serial Television in the Age of Streaming. The Endless Hustle; or, Saul Goodman Out of Time. Serial Time and Finance Capital in Anthony Trollope and HBO's Succession. Tropes of Jewish Humor in Women-Led Digital Streaming Productions (2010 – 2019). "You Go First, You Kaza!": Using Casting and Intertextuality to Rewrite Myth in the Miniseries Eagles. Making TV in the Age of Streaming: An Interview with Hagai Levi. When the Adaptation Reveals the Original: Comparative Analysis of Series and National Ethos. Losing the Plot: Film and Feeling in the Modern Novel. Notes on Contributors. The AI Revolution: Speculations on Authorship, Pedagogy, and the Future of the Profession. ChatGPT and the Territory of Contemporary Narratology; or, A Rhetorical River Runs through It. Modes of Intelligence. The Humanistic Case for AI Optimism. Phantoms of Citation: AI and the Death of the Author-Function. Are Large Language Models Literary Critics? What Is an Artificial Author? Applied Poetics. "Don't Ban AI from Your Writing Classroom; Require It!". AI Comes for the Author. Only Persons Intend. Borges and AI. Conversations with No One. The Author's Second Death. New Towers of Babel: Faith and Doubt in the Future of Translation. LLMs and the Amazing Shrinking University. Facsimile Machines. On Artificial and Post-artificial Texts: Machine Learning and the Reader's Expectations of Literary and Non-literary Writing. AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines Imagining AI: How the World Sees Intelligent Machines. Notes on Contributors. Poetics and the Gift: Reading Poetry from Homer to Derrida. What Science Can't Know: On Scientific Objectivity and the Human Subject. Rhetorical Narrative Theory and the Act of Telling: Reflections on the Search for a New Paradigm. Do Poems about Guns Make Guns Poetic? Assessing Narrative Space: From Setting to Narrative Environments. Reversing the Oedipal Reading Practice: Interpellation, Enigmas of Reading, and John Barth's The Floating Opera. Making Known Again: The Rhetorical Function of Anagnorisis in Georges Perec's La disparition. Forms of Poetic Attention Poetics and the Gift: Reading Poetry from Homer to Derrida. The Blossom Which We Are: The Novel and the Transience of Cultural Worlds. Notes on Contributors. Introduction. How to Build a Hybrid: The Structure of Imagination. Visual Hybrids and Nonconceptual Aesthetic Perception. Visual Metaphors: On the Linguistic Structure of Hybrid Creatures in Art. Magical Monsters: Hybrids and Witchcraft in Early Modern Art. Visual Hybrids as Constitutive Rhetorical Acts: Rhetorical Interplay between Unity and Difference. Why Monsters Are Dangerous. Hybridity and the Unifying Space of Painting: Larry Abramson in Conversation with Theolonius Marx. On the Theory of Prose. L'idée de la littérature. De l'art pour l'art aux écritures d'intervention. Notes on Contributors.