AMBIFC: Fact-Checking Ambiguous Claims with Evidence Language Varieties of Italy: Technology Challenges and Opportunities Benchmarking Large Language Models for News Summarization mGPT: Few-Shot Learners Go Multilingual Cultural Adaptation of Recipes Metric-Free Learning Network with Dual Relations Propagation for Few-Shot Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis Addressing the Binning Problem in Calibration Assessment through Scalar Annotations An Energy-based Model for Word-level AutoCompletion in Computer-aided Translation Lost in the Middle: How Language Models Use Long Contexts Red Teaming Language Model Detectors with Language Models Text Attribute Control via Closed-Loop Disentanglement Unifying Structured Data as Graph for Data-to-Text Pre-Training Exploring Human-Like Translation Strategy with Large Language Models Retrieve What You Need: A Mutual Learning Framework for Open-domain Question Answering Explicitly Representing Syntax Improves Sentence-to-Layout Prediction of Unexpected Situations Evaluating the Ripple Effects of Knowledge Editing in Language Models The Impact of Word Splitting on the Semantic Content of Contextualized Word Representations Large Language Models Enable Few-Shot Clustering JustiLM: Few-shot Justification Generation for Explainable Fact-Checking of Real-world Claims To Diverge or Not to Diverge: A Morphosyntactic Perspective on Machine Translation vs Human Translation What Do Self-Supervised Speech Models Know About Words? Are Character-level Translations Worth the Wait? Comparing ByT5 and mT5 for Machine Translation Geographic Adaptation of Pretrained Language Models Do Text Simplification Systems Preserve Meaning? A Human Evaluation via Reading Comprehension Simultaneous Selection and Adaptation of Source Data via Four-Level Optimization ConvoSense: Overcoming Monotonous Commonsense Inferences for Conversational AI Automatically Correcting Large Language Models: Surveying the Landscape of Diverse Automated Correction Strategies KoBBQ: Korean Bias Benchmark for Question Answering AutoPEFT : Automatic Configuration Search for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning What Formal Languages Can Transformers Express? A Survey Text-to-OverpassQL: A Natural Language Interface for Complex Geodata Querying of OpenStreetMap Eliciting the Translation Ability of Large Language Models via Multilingual Finetuning with Translation Instructions Semantics of Multiword Expressions in Transformer-Based Models: A Survey The Thai Discourse Treebank: Annotating and Classifying Thai Discourse Connectives The Ethics of Automating Legal Actors Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Question Answering with Masked Self-training Federated Learning for Exploiting Annotators’ Disagreements in Natural Language Processing Scope Ambiguities in Large Language Models Computational Complexity of Natural Morphology Revisited Visually Grounded Speech Models Have a Mutual Exclusivity Bias Improving Probability-based Prompt Selection Through Unified Evaluation and Analysis Instructed to Bias: Instruction-Tuned Language Models Exhibit Emergent Cognitive Bias Evaluating Correctness and Faithfulness of Instruction-Following Models for Question Answering Beyond Boundaries: A Human-like Approach for Question Answering over Structured and Unstructured Information Sources Comparing Humans and Large Language Models on an Experimental Protocol Inventory for Theory of Mind Evaluation (EPITOME) A Closer Look at Classification Evaluation Metrics and a Critical Reflection of Common Evaluation Practice Improving the Domain Adaptation of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Models for Open Domain Question Answering Assessing the Capacity of Transformer to Abstract Syntactic Representations: A Contrastive Analysis Based on Long-distance Agreement On the Role of Negative Precedent in Legal Outcome Prediction Meta-Learning a Cross-lingual Manifold for Semantic Parsing