From the Editors: Fun Facts vs. Dreary Concepts: Making Sense of Diversity and the Burden of Agency От редакции: Забавные факты против унылых концепций: осмысление разнообразия и бремя автономности субъекта LOL at Loss: Mainstream Narratives of Soviet History and the Laughter of Surprise Великий Имитатор: Российская история от "Потемкинских деревень" до "Кубанских казаков" List of Contributors Наши Авторы Белые пятна на устаревших картах группности BLANK SPOTS ON THE OUTDATED MAPS OF GROUPNESS Platform '24: Restoring a Common Scholarly Field of Postnational and Postimperial Studies Платформа '24: Восстановление единого научного поля постнациональных и постимперских исследований The Nationalization of the Russian Army (1914–1917): An Empire of Rusian and Non-Rusian Nationalisms Нацистская политика в отношении славян караимского вероисповедания в Крыму (1941–1944) Elena S. Semeka's Story: Yuri N. Roerich, "A Man from Another Planet," at the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, 1957–1960 Neo-Primordialism in the Making of Nations: The Tragedies of Karabakh Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: What's Next? "Отечественная война" за Карабах: предпосылки и последствия Peripheral Histories: Reflections on a Digital History Project in an Evolving Field The Absolute Elsewhere: Pavel Krusanov and the Countercultural Sources of Russian Imperialism Russian Notions of Power and State in a European Perspective, 1462–1725: Assessing the Significance of Peter's Reign by Endre Sashalmi (review) Spatial Revolution: Architecture and Planning in the Early Soviet Union by Christina E. Crawford (review) Clientelism and Nationality in an Early Soviet Fiefdom: The Trials of Nestor Lakoba by Timothy K. Blauvelt (review) Clientelism and Nationality in an Early Soviet Fiefdom: The Trials of Nestor Lakoba by Timothy K. Blauvelt (review) Georgian and Soviet: Entitled Nationhood and the Specter of Stalin in the Caucasus by Claire P. Kaiser (review) The History of Birobidzhan: Building a Soviet Jewish Homeland in Siberia by Gennady Estraikh (review) "Ташкентский фронт": Еврейские беженцы в советском тылу by Альберт Каганович (review) The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World by Karl Schlögel (review) The Afterlife of the "Soviet Man": Rethinking Homo Sovieticus by Gulnaz Sharafutdinova (review) Life Histories of Etnos Theory in Russia and Beyond ed. by David G. Anderson, Dmitry V. Arzyutov, and Sergei S. Alymov (review) For Putin and for Sharia: Dagestani Muslims and the Islamic State by Iwona Kaliszewska (review) List of Contributors Список авторов CITIZENSHIP AS SUBJECTIVITY: BEYOND THE HISTORICAL SYMBIOSIS OF REPUBLICANISM AND NATIONALISM Гражданство как субъектность: по ту сторону исторического симбиоза республиканизма и национализма Affective Subjecthood, Citizenship, and Decolonization in the British Context: Interview with Stuart Ward The Manchurian Wedge: Settler Colonialism, Subjecthood, and Land Use in the Russian Imperial Far East “LIKE SNEAKY THIEVES, THEY BROKE INTO ROYAL TOMBS”: Mobility, Egyptian Antiquities, and the Limits of Anti-Colonial Critique Paths Not Taken: How Did Nomadism Affect Border-Making during National Delimitation in Central Asia? BEYOND TRIUMPH: The Russian Art Exhibition of 1924–1926 in the United States and Soviet Cultural Diplomacy The Russian Art Exhibition of 1924–1926: Archival Documents Россия и ее империя 1450–1801 by Нэнси Коллманн (review) The Bentham Brothers and Russia: The Imperial Russian Constitution and the St. Petersburg Panopticon by Roger Bartlett (review) Under the Shadow of White Tara: Buriat Buddhists in Imperial Russia by Nikolay Tsyrempilov (review) Muslim Women of the Fergana Valley: A 19th-Century Ethnography from Central Asia by Vladimir Nalivkin and Maria Nalivkina (review) Screening Soviet Nationalities: Kulturfilms from the Far North to Central Asia by Oksana Sarkisova (review) The Path to a Soviet Nation: The Policy of Belarusization by Alena Marková (review) In the Maelstrom: The Waffen-SS "Galicia" Division and Its Legacy by Myroslav Shkandrij (review) Віктор Петров: мапування творчости письменника ред К. Ґлінянович, П. Крупа, Й. Маєвська (review) Authoritarian Laughter: Political Humor and Soviet Dystopia in Lithuania by Neringa Klumbytė (review) The Political Cult of the Dead in Ukraine: Traditions and Dimensions from the First World War to Today ed. by Guido Hausmann and Iryna Sklokina (review) Snapshots of the Soul: Photo-Poetic Encounters in Modern Russian Culture by Molly Thomasy Blasing (review)