Improving Witnesses’ Recollection by Reinforcing the Cognitive Interview: The 5Ws Questions as an Information-gathering Method Development of an Index to Evaluate Children’s Risk for Being Instrumentalized in Intimate Partner Violence against Women Contexts Effectiveness of Penitentiary Psychoeducational Interventions in Road Safety Truth or Lie: Ability of Listeners to Detect Deceptive Emergency Calls of Missing Children Under the Shadows of Gender Violence: An Exploration of Sexual Consent through Spanish University Women’s Experiences Exposing Suspects to Their Sketches in Repeated Interviews to Elicit Information and Veracity Cues Humanization, Adaptation to Change, and Mental Health in Teachers in Three European Countries The Perceived Severity of Adolescent Dating Violence (PS-ADV) Scale: A Validation Study Do We Know Enough about Negative Parenting? Recent Evidence on Parenting Styles and Child Maladjustment Evidence-based Interventions Targeting Remand Prisoners: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Combining the Devil’s Advocate Approach and Verifiability Approach to Assess Veracity in Opinion Statements Investigating the Memory Reports of Retractors Regarding Abuse Civil Liability for Clinical Misdiagnosis of Suicidal Intention: Procedure and Guidelines to Minimize Fatal Diagnostic Error Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in Spain: A Survey Study Maltreatment History and Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Out-ofhome Care: A Three-Level Meta-analysis Verbal Cues to Deceit when Lying through Omitting Information: Examining the Effect of a Model Statement Interview Protocol Child-to-parent Violence Offenders (Specialists vs. Generalists): The Role of Direct Victimization at Home Network Analysis of Emotional Symptoms and their Relationship with Different Types of Cybervictimization The Interaction between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Neuropsychological Deficits for Explaining Dropout and Recidivism of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators Interaction of Parental Discipline Strategies and Adolescents’ Personality Traits in the Prediction of Child-to-Parent Violence Menores con medidas judiciales por violencia filio-parental (especialistas vs. generalistas): el papel de la victimización directa en el hogar The Effect of Using Countermeasures in Interpreter-Absent and Interpreter-Present Interviews Self-report Measures for Symptom Validity Assessment in Whiplash-associated Disorders The Influence of Clinician Gender and Attitudes on Judgments Related to Forensic Considerations in ICD-11 Paraphilic Disorders: An Internet-based Field Study Contribution of Brain Cortical Features to the Psychological Risk Profile of Juvenile Offenders Dyadic Analysis of Emotional Intimate Partner Violence: An Estimation of Dyadic Patterns and Influencing Individual, Family, and Couple Factors Assessing Independent Life Skills of Youth in Child Protection: A MultiInformant Approach Mapping Details to Elicit Information and Cues to Deceit: The Effects of Map Richness Police Survey: Procedures and Prevalence of Intoxicated Witnesses and Victims in Sweden Assessing Risk Perception over Recidivist Traffic Offenders from a Multi-group Approach: How Gendered Could It Be? Anxiety and Depression from Cybervictimization in Adolescents: A Metaanalysis and Meta-regression Study Plausibility: A Verbal Cue to Veracity worth Examining? The Relationship between Complications, Common Knowledge Details and Self-handicapping Strategies and Veracity: A Meta-analysis Psychopathic Traits and Ability Emotional Intelligence in Incarcerated Males Risk Factors and Treatment Needs of Batterer Intervention Program Participants with Substance Abuse Problems Reality Monitoring: A Meta-analytical Review for Forensic Practice Typologies of Sexual Double Standard Adherence in Spanish Population Combining Verbal Veracity Assessment Techniques to Distinguish Truth Tellers from Lie Tellers Violence and Job Satisfaction of Nurses: Importance of a Support Network in Healthcare Social Media and Access to Drugs Online: A Nationwide Study in the United States and Spain among Adolescents and Young Adults Psychosocial Prevention Programs against Radicalization and Extremism: A Meta-Analysis of Outcome Evaluations Psychopathic Traits and Ability Emotional Intelligence in Incarcerated Males Reality Monitoring: A Meta-analytical Review for Forensic Practice Combining Verbal Veracity Assessment Techniques to Distinguish Truth Tellers from Lie Tellers Violence and Job Satisfaction of Nurses: Importance of a Support Network in Healthcare Which Tactics of Sexual Violence Predict Leaving the Relationship? The Role of Dependence towards Partner. Attitudes towards School Violence Questionnaire, Revised Version: CAHV-28 Psychosocial and Personality Characteristics of Juvenile Offenders in a Detention Centre regarding Recidivism Risk. Motivational Strategies, Working Alliance, and Protherapeutic Behaviors in Batterer Intervention Programs: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Longitudinal Patterns of Antisocial Behaviors in Early Adolescence: A Latent Class and Latent Transition Analysis.