Reflections on the 2023 AMR Decade Award: Revisions and Extensions of the Theory of Purposeful Work Behavior. The New Normal: Prescriptive Theorizing for Positive Organizational Impact in an Age of Disruption. Racial Inequality in Organizations: A Systems Psychodynamic Perspective. Real Growth through Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness: Insights on the Entropy Problem from Andy Weir's The Martian. On Valuing Women: Advancing an Intersectional Theory of Gender Diversity in Organizations. Anti-Stigma Organizing in the Age of Social Media: How Social Movement Organizations Leverage Affordances to Build Solidarity. Humanistic Organizing: The Transformative Force of Mindful Organizational Communication. Taking a "Leap": How Workplace Allyship Initiatives Shape Leader Anxiety, Allyship, and Power Dynamics That Contribute to Workplace Inequality. Taming Unicorns: Toward a New Normal of Responsible Entrepreneurship. Surviving to Long-Term Thriving through Augmented Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness: An Extension to Mcmullen's "Real Growth through Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness: Insights on the Entropy Problem from Andy Weir's The Martian ". Reconciling Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness with Sustainable Development: A Reply to "Surviving to Long-Term Thriving through Augmented Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness". Beyond Tacit Knowledge: How Michael Polanyi's Theory of Knowledge Illuminates Theory Development in Organizational Research. What Is Next? Moving Beyond a Rejection From AMRby Repurposing Your "Theory". Emotions and Client Participation in Jurisdictional Contestation. Creating Opportunities: Heuristic Reasoning inProactive Dynamic Capability Deployment. Corporate Diversification, Economies of Scope,and the Risk–Return Relationship. Value Creation, Value Appropriation, and Cooperationin Team Production. Managers' Perceptions and Microfoundations ofContract Design. Boundary Transitions in Dynamic Teamwork. Competitive Advantage Through Artificial Intelligence: Toward a Theory of Situated AI. A Meta-Theory of Global Work Encounters. Integrating the Shadow Within "Us" to StrengthenOur Field. Taking Situatedness Seriously in TheorizingAbout Competitive Advantage ThroughArtificial Intelligence: A Response to Kemp's"Competitive Advantages ThroughArtificial Intelligence". UNREASONED, NONDELIBERATIVE, OR TEMPORALLY UNCERTAIN? ELABORATING TIME-CALIBRATED ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTION 2023 Presidential Address: What If Service WasOur "Currency"? When Subjective Judgments Lead to Spinouts: EmployeeEntrepreneurship Under Uncertainty,Firm-Specificity, andAppropriability. Getting Away with It (Or Not): The Social Controlof Organizational Deviance. "What Is an Opportunity?": From Theoretical Mystificationto Everyday Understanding. How Crisis Management Strategies Address Stakeholders'Sociocognitive Concerns and Organizations'Social Evaluations. A New Perspective on Gender Bias in the Upper Echelons:Why Stakeholder VariabilityMatters. An Active Learning Approach to DiversityTraining. My Place: How Workers Become Identified with Their Workplaces and Why It Matters. Toward a Contextualized View of Voice Quality,Its Dimensions, and Its Dynamics AcrossNewcomer Socialization. Reconceptualizing Conceptual Engineering. Conceptual Engineering: The Assessmentof Rigor and RudimentaryRecommendations forTheory Developers. Back to Which Future? Recalibrating the Time-Calibrated Narratives of Entrepreneurial Action to Account for Nondeliberative Dynamics. Unreasoned, Nondeliberative, or TemporallyUncertain? ElaboratingTime-Calibrated EntrepreneurialAction. The Ghost in the Machine, or theGhost in Organizational Theory?A Complementary View onthe Use of Machine Learning. The Machine Hums! Addressing Ontological and Normative Concerns Regarding Machine Learning Applications in Organizational Scholarship. Idea Generation in Abductive Thinking:Not One but ThreeApproaches. Abductive Theorizing Is More Than Idea Generation:Disciplined Imagination and aPrepared Mind. On the Limitations of Ludwig Wittgenstein'sAnti-IntellectualistPhilosophy. Ordinary Language and Dialoguein Entrepreneurship. "Clipping an Angel's Wings": On the Value and Limitations of Philosophy in Management Research. Editor's Comments: Taking Steps to Level the PlayingField. Connected but Conflicted: SeparatingIncompatible Roles in Organizations. Federated Corporate Social Responsibility: Constrainingthe Responsible Corporation. Star Light, but Why Not So Bright? A Process Modelof How Incumbents Influence Star NewcomerPerformance. Programs of Experimentation and Pivoting for(Overconfident) Entrepreneurs. Beyond Primacy: A Stakeholder Theory of CorporateGovernance.