Charting a New Course for the Pacific Islands: Strategic Pathways for U.S.-Micronesia Engagement

This NBR report examines key issues confronting the subregion of Micronesia within the Pacific Islands and considers strategic avenues for strengthening future U.S. engagement amid climate and health security challenges and U.S.-China competition. The report draws on the Pacific Islands Strategic Dialogue convened by NBR in May 2022 in Tamuning, Guam, in partnership with the University of Guam and with support from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Strategic Trends Research Initiative.

NBR > Reports

The Revenge of Energy Security: Reconciling Asia’s Economic Security with Climate Ambitions

Energy security has risen to the top of the economic agenda across the Indo-Pacific in the wake of supply chain disruptions, heightened geopolitical tensions, and the Covid-19 pandemic. This report from NBR’s Energy Security Program examines the region’s competing energy and economic security pressures and climate goals and evaluates the implications for regional countries and the United States.

NBR > Reports

Critical Technology Supply Chains in the Asia-Pacific: Options for the United States to De-risk and Diversify

Authored by experts at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, this NBR Special Report uses an econometric approach to identify chokepoints within technology supply chains and evaluate options for addressing related threats to economic and national security.

NBR > Reports

U.S.-ROK Tech Cooperation: Export Controls, Data Policy, and Artificial Intelligence

This new NBR Special Report assesses the current state of U.S.-ROK cooperation on export controls, artificial intelligence, and data policy; identifies challenges and barriers to greater collaboration; and proposes practical options for policymakers and businesses in both countries to advance their common interests. Experts from the United States and South Korea have collaborated on each chapter, first presenting the U.S. and ROK perspectives on a given topic, followed by a jointly authored conclusion with a set of policy options.

NBR > Reports

Encounters and Escalation in the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives on China’s Military and Implications for Regional Security

China’s military modernization, coupled with increasingly assertive behavior, has led to more frequent and dangerous encounters between the PLA and the militaries of countries across the Indo-Pacific. These interactions have heightened tensions, with specific incidents emphasizing the risk of miscalculations that could escalate into major conflicts. Through case studies on Australia, India, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam, this report aims to understand the PLA’s strategic calculus on escalation, assessing the potential for conflict in the region and exploring shared threat perceptions, regional responses, and implications for deterrence.

NBR > Reports

Meeting China’s Nuclear and WMD Buildup: Regional Threat Perceptions and Responses

This NBR Special Report presents case studies of how six regional countries (Australia, India, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam) view China’s development of its nuclear weapons and other WMD capabilities. The case studies are preceded by an introduction from editor Bates Gill that discusses key findings and policy implications.

NBR > Reports