Guest Editorial: Ethics in Affective Computing.
Ethical Considerations and Checklist for Affective Research With Wearables.
GenSumm : A Joint Framework for Multi-Task Tweet Classification and Summarization Using Sentiment Analysis and Generative Modelling.
Investigating Cardiovascular Activation of Young Adults in Routine Driving
Dual Learning for Conversational Emotion Recognition and Emotional Response Generation
Improving Multi-Label Facial Expression Recognition With Consistent and Distinct Attentions
Olfactory-Enhanced VR: What's the Difference in Brain Activation Compared to Traditional VR for Emotion Induction?
Dynamic Confidence-Aware Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition
DFME: A New Benchmark for Dynamic Facial Micro-Expression Recognition
Anthropomorphism and Affective Perception: Dimensions, Measurements, and Interdependencies in Aerial Robotics
How Virtual Reality Therapy Affects Refugees From Ukraine - Acute Stress Reduction Pilot Study
Learning With Rater-Expanded Label Space to Improve Speech Emotion Recognition
Emotion Recognition in Conversation Based on a Dynamic Complementary Graph Convolutional Network
Cross-Task Inconsistency Based Active Learning (CTIAL) for Emotion Recognition
GDDN: Graph Domain Disentanglement Network for Generalizable EEG Emotion Recognition
Guest Editorial Best of ACII 2021
Smiling in the Face and Voice of Avatars and Robots: Evidence for a ‘Smiling McGurk Effect’
Neuro or Symbolic? Fine-Tuned Transformer With Unsupervised LDA Topic Clustering for Text Sentiment Analysis
Nonverbal Leadership in Joint Full-Body Improvisation
From Static to Dynamic: Adapting Landmark-Aware Image Models for Facial Expression Recognition in Videos
JADFER: Exploring Spatial-Contextual Interaction with Joint Attention Dropping for Facial Expression Recognition
FERMixNet: An Occlusion Robust Facial Expression Recognition Model with Facial Mixing Augmentation and Mid-Level Representation Learning
Deep Learning Approaches for Stress Detection: A Survey
Hierarchical Knowledge Stripping for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Multiscale Facial Expression Recognition Based on Dynamic Global and Static Local Attention
Multi-scale Promoted Self-adjusting Correlation Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection
A Pilot Study on the Comparison of Prefrontal Cortex Activities of Robotic Therapies on Elderly With Mild Cognitive Impairment
Decoding Musical Neural Activity in Patients With Disorders of Consciousness Through Self-Supervised Contrastive Domain Generalization
Dynamic Emotion-Dependent Network with Relational Subgraph Interaction for Multimodal Emotion Recognition
Improving the Interpretability through Maximizing Mutual Information for EEG Emotion Recognition
Facial Action Unit Recognition Enhanced by Text Descriptions of FACS
Sharing our Emotions with Robots: Why do we do it and how does it make us feel?
SimFLE: Simple Facial Landmark Encoding for Self-Supervised Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
A Topic-Guided Self-Attention Network for Daily Mental Wellbeing Prediction Using Mobile Devices
Measuring affective state: Subject-dependent and-independent prediction based on longitudinal multimodal sensing
Leaving None Behind: Data-Free Domain Incremental Learning for Major Depressive Disorder Detection
Towards Multimodal Prediction of Spontaneous Humor: A Novel Dataset and First Results
STAA-Net: A Sparse and Transferable Adversarial Attack for Speech Emotion Recognition
The fNIRS-based Emotion Recognition by Spatial Transformer and WGAN Data Augmentation Towards Developing A Novel Affective BCI
SCARE: A Novel Framework to Enhance Chinese Harmful Memes Detection
Adaptive Domain Alignment Neural Networks for Cross-Domain EEG Emotion Recognition
GHA: a Gated Hierarchical Attention Mechanism for the Detection of Abusive Language in Social Media
SEED-VII: A Multimodal Dataset of Six Basic Emotions with Continuous Labels for Emotion Recognition
Tracking dynamic flow: Decoding flow fluctuations through performance in a fine motor control task
REMAST: Real-time Emotion-based Music Arrangement with Soft Transition
Exploring Affective Peripheral Patterns Based on Body Surface Potentials with Covariance
An Efficient Bi-modal Fusion Framework for Music Emotion Recognition
Mutual Information of Crossmodal Utterance Representation for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
A Residual Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network with Transformers for Speech Emotion Recognition
Interpreting Stress Detection Models using SHAP and Attention for MuSe-Stress 2022