Why is Alzheimer’s disease so difficult to treat?
Around the world, millions of people have Alzheimer’s disease, a debilitating brain disorder that gradually destroys a person’s memory and other cognitive abilities. While doctors have studied Alzheimer’s for decades, conducting hundreds of clinical trials, there is still no effective preventi..
본 과목은 미래를 책임져야 하는 우리 젊은 세대들에게 삶의 본질적인 의미인 ‘행복’에 대해 이해하고 탐색, 실천하는 계기를 제공하는 수업으로 온-오프라인의 수업방식을 활용하여, 온라인 수업에서는 ‘행복’의 역사적·..
KOCW Korea Open Course WareHow to live a meaningful life
What makes for a meaningful life? Social psychologist Brian S. Lowery explores three ideas tied to the experience of meaning and shows why simply pursuing personal achievements isn't the best way to find it.
TEDWhat makes us human in the age of AI? A psychologist and a technologist answer
AI has the potential to impact the way humans interact with the world — and each other. Social psychologist Brian S. Lowery and AI technologist Kylan Gibbs dive into the ramifications of emerging technologies on people's mental health and social dynamics. Hear why Gibbs thinks, counterintuiti..
본 교과목에선 감성에 대한 심리학적 접근을 기초로 과학적 관점 특히 뇌와 인지신경학적 관점에서 감성이 무엇인지 탐구해보고 이를 토대로 자신의 감정에 대한 이해와 관리 그리고 앞으로 올 4차산업 대비를 위한 감성과학에..
KOCW Korea Open Course WareAn actor and a neuroscientist answer: What makes you “you”?
What can acting reveal about the mystery of consciousness? Actor and producer Yara Shahidi and cognitive neuroscientist Anil Seth unpack the surprising ways that portraying different characters can reveal insights about our authentic selves — even if we're not actually performing onstage or o..