Rethinking the concepts of the unconscious and analytic time. War, terror and mourning. Cultural memory in the inner dialogue. The inability to mourn and nationalism in Japan after 1945. A machine of the same: Repetition in the foundational discourse of the Argentinean "being" (1976–1983). National myths and the inabilities of nations to mourn and to atone: An essay prompted by "The inability to mourn and nationalism in Japan after 1945", and "A machine of the same: Repetition in the foundational discourse of the Argentinian 'being' (1976–1983)" The inability to mourn: Past and current challenges for psychoanalysis. Do we know our place? The role of psychoanalysis in public life. Enquiries into virulent identifications. Psychoanalysis and its discontents: A view from India. Psychoanalysis and politics. How can psychoanalytic interpretations of political situations have effects as actions? Transforming psychoanalysis for the public. Clinical territories. In a time of theoretical expansion and change, don't throw babies out with the bath water. Obituary for Irma Brennan Pick. The surviving object: psychoanalytic clinical essays on psychic survival-of-the object: by Jan Abram, London and New York, Routledge, 2022, 210 p., £31.99, ISBN: 978-1-03-207518-1. Contro-tempo. La temporalità del pensiero e della storia nella clinica e nella letteratura: [Counter-time. The temporality of thought and history in clinical practice and in literature], by Marina Breccia. Milan, Udine: Mimesis Edizioni, 2022, 273 pp, €24, ISBN: 9788857583952 Psychoanalysis at the crossroads: An international perspective: edited by Fred Busch, Oxon and New York, Routledge, 2023, pp. 326, £23.99 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-032-37550-2. Psychoanalytic approaches to forgiveness and mental health: 1st edition, edited by Ronald Britton and Aleksandra Novakovic, Abingdon, Oxon and New York, NY, Routledge, 2024, 222 pp., £32.99 (paperback edition), ISBN: 9781032427911 (pbk). Gratitude, freedom and refusal. Facing the unthinkable: Life-threatening illness in the analyst and its impact on the analytic couple. Entrenched grievance as a harbour for the unmourned. The aesthetic and affective matrix of pre-reflective sensemaking at the origins of the relationship between subject and world: A dialogue between Kant's Third Critique and psychoanalysis. Freud's interpretation in "Medusa's Head" and some alternative psychoanalytic implications of Ovid's Medusa. The psychoanalytic situation: Frame and/or setting. The psychoanalytic setting: José Bleger's encuadre . On the question of the internal frame. Frame, setting, process, and movement. Film review essay: Inside Llewyn Davis:Faltering steps in the incredible journey from adolescence to adulthood Psychoanalysis and ecology: the unconscious and the environment Creative repetition and intersubjectivity: contemporary Freudian explorations of trauma, memory and clinical process On Freud's “Moses and Monotheism” Psychoanalytic diaries of the COVID-19 pandemic Contributors and Reviewers for 2023 Editorial: IJP News for a New Year Letter from Florence* Intuition and we-nessin Bion and post-Bionian field theory Inhibition* Adjusting the distance Introduction of A candidate at Work: The case of Ms. N. A candidate at Work: The case of Ms. N Discussion of A candidate at Work: The case of Ms. N. Discussion of A candidate at Work: The case of Ms. N. Discussion of A candidate at Work: The case of Ms. N. Discussion of A candidate at Work: The case of Ms. N.* Response to the editors of Body as Psychoanalytic Object Concerning the nature of psychoanalysis: the persistence of a paradoxical discourse Change through time in psychoanalysis: transformations and interventions, the Three Level Model Imagining the end: mourning and ethical life Of fear and strangers. A history of xenophobia