Final Award Announcement 2024. Born to Run Howard Stern Comes Again. Contributors. From the Editors. Contributors. Introduction to In Pursuit of Racial Equality in American Psychoanalysis: Findings and Recommendations From the Holmes Commission. In Pursuit of Racial Equality in American Psychoanalysis: Findings and Recommendations from the Holmes Commission. Contributors. Book Review: Coming to Life in the Consulting Room: Toward a New Analytic Sensibility. Book Review: Affect, Representation and Language: Between the Silence and the Cry. Contributors. Contributors. WHY I WRITE: TO WRITE IS TO CREATE A UNIVERSE “And Bomb or no Bomb, We, We Will Get to Rome”: In The Margins of Two Sessions with Lulu Psychoanalysis—More Than a Profession: Presidential Address, American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, February 3, 2023 Discussion of Matthew Shaw’s “Lulu” From the Editor Narrative Capacity Boundaries, Boundary Crossings, and Boundary Violations Psychoanalysis and Colonialism: A Contemporary Introduction A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Trauma: Post-Traumatic Mental Functioning, the Zero Process, and the Construction of Reality Psychoanalytic Reflections on Writing, Cinema and the Arts: Facing Beauty and Loss Opera on the Couch: Music, Emotional Life, and Unconscious Aspects of Mind A BLUE GUITAR, REFLECTIONS ON DISCLOSURE AND RETICENCE Parent Work Casebook and Adolescent Casebook The Process of Case Writing: A Fourth Pillar of Analytic Training “That’s What You Say”: Reply to Levine and Stern The Innate Capacity for Representing Subjective Experience: The Infant’s Mind is Neither Primitive nor Prerepresentational About Your Next Patient: A Response to Anne Erreich Creative Essay Section: Introduction Commentary: The Role of the Theory of Unformulated Experience in Anne Erreich’s “The Innate Capacity for the Representation of Subjective Experience: The Infant’s Mind Is Neither Primitive nor Prerepresentational” The Future The Columbia Academy for Psychoanalytic Educators: A Pilot Program for Developing Analysts and Supervisors of Analytic Candidates On the Logic of the Unconscious Conception of Causation Part I: The Oedipal Meta-Wish and the Sexualization of Asymmetric Time From the Editors Self-Supervision: Psychodynamic Strategies What I'm Reading Now Tales of Transformation: A Life in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis DEVELOPMENTAL EVALUATION OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: A PSYCHODYNAMIC GUIDE Working With Parents in Therapy: A Mentalization-Based Approach Psychoanalysis in a Plague Year The Queerness of Childhood: Essays From the Other Side of the Looking Glass Book Review: Undress, She Said Book Review: Femininity, Desire and Sublimation in Psychoanalysis: From the Melancholic to the Erotic Subjective Experience: Its Fate in Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Philosophy of Mind THE SURVIVING OBJECT: PSYCHOANALYTIC CLINICAL ESSAYS ON PSYCHIC SURVIVAL-OF-THE-OBJECT The Wrongful Conviction of Oscar Pistorius: Science Transforms Our Comprehension of Reeva Steenkamp's Shocking Death Why I Write: The Winged Word Living and Containing Psychoanalysis in Institutions: Psychoanalysts Working Together Consciousness, Cortex, and Neuropsychoanalysis