Face-context integration and trustworthiness evaluation The Social Dynamics Approach to mediated communication The when and how of planning: Meta-analysis of the scope and components of implementation intentions in 642 tests Hope: The experience and functions of a seemingly-positive group-based emotion Addressing anti-Gypsyism with context-dependent psychological tools: Research review, meta-analysis and secondary analysis of prejudice against the Roma HOPEFUL: Helping Others Promotes Engagement and Fulfillment A theoretical analysis and empirical agenda for understanding the socioecology of adult attachment The model of ambivalent choice and dissonant commitment: An integration of dissonance and ambivalence frameworks Foucault's error: The power of not knowing A multi-dimensional typology of allyship action in violent intergroup conflict settings: Differentiating actor, target, and type of action Narrative interventions in conflict settings: Harnessing the power of narratives to prevent violence and promote peace Voices without words: the spectrum of nonverbal vocalisations Fundamental processes of positive change The potential role of psychological time in the study of violent radicalisation, deradicalisation, and disengagement Collectively constructing gender-inclusive work cultures in STEM. The social psychology of intergroup tolerance and intolerance. Benefits of nostalgia in vulnerable populations. Generalized Prejudice: Lessons about social power, ideological conflict, and levels of abstraction. Blindspots in acculturation research: An agenda for studying majority culture change. Identities: A developmental social-psychological perspective. The economic inequality as normative information model (EINIM) Relativity in Social Cognition: Basic processes and novel applications of social comparisons Extending the scope for resistance to gender-based devaluation Dilemmas of resistance: How concerns for cultural aspects of identity shape and constrain resistance among minority groups Social identity explanations of system justification: Misconceptions, criticisms, and clarifications How identity fusion predicts extreme pro-group orientations: A meta-analysis Threat and reactions to violated expectations in groups: Adding control to the equation Longitudinal tests of the theory of planned behaviour: A meta-analysis Collective psychological ownership as a new angle for understanding group dynamics Editorial Singlehood as an identity Beneficiary effects in prosocial decision making: Understanding unequal valuations of lives Procedural fairness in ethnic-cultural decision-making: Benefits, processes and minority and majority group perspectives Threat and reactions to violated expectations in groups: Adding control to the equation How identity fusion predicts extreme pro-group orientations: A meta-analysis Rejoinder to Rubin, Owuamalam, Spears, and Caricati (2023): Ideology is not accuracy; identity is not everything; and the social identity model of social attitudes does not explain system justification, it presupposes it Social identity explanations of system justification: Misconceptions, criticisms, and clarifications Relativity in Social Cognition: Basic processes and novel applications of social comparisons The economic inequality as normative information model (EINIM) Strategies for the promotion of humanity attribution to outgroups. The potential and limitations of empathy in changing health-relevant affect, cognition and behaviour. Descriptive-to-prescriptive (D2P) reasoning: An early emerging bias to maintain the status quo. Persuasion amidst a pandemic: Insights from the Elaboration Likelihood Model. The behavioural immune system and pandemic psychology: the evolved psychology of disease-avoidance and its implications for attitudes, behaviour, and public health during epidemic outbreaks. Monoracial perceivers' sociopolitical motives and their inclusion versus exclusion of multiracial people. The social psychology of economic inequality, redistribution, and subjective well-being. The longstanding view of workers as objects: antecedents and consequences of working objectification. In field settings group members (often) show effort gains instead of social loafing. Flexibility mindsets: Reducing biases that result from spontaneous processing. Rejoinder to Rubin, Owuamalam, Spears, and Caricati (2023): Ideology is not accuracy; identity is not everything; and the social identity model of social attitudes does not explain system justification, it presupposes it