Book & E-book Book 검색어 입력 도서관 소장 신착도서 고려대학교 도서관에서 이용 가능한 심리학분야 최신 도서입니다. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 여러미주신경이론 : 감정, 애착, 의사소통, 자기조절의 .. Porges, Stephen W 하나醫學社(2022) 새로운 정신분석 강의 / [2020년] 신판 Freud, Sigmund 열린책들(2020) 정서적 학대에서 벗어나기 Engel, Beberly 소미미디어(2023) Neuroscience for clinicians : basic processes, circuits, disease mechanisms.. Benarroch, Eduardo E Oxford University Press(2021) The responsive psychotherapist : attuning to clients in the moment Watson, Jeanne C. American Psychological Association(2021) Succeeding with adult ADHD : daily strategies to help you achieve your goal.. Levrini, Abigail American Psychological Association(2023) Casebook to the APA clinical practice guideline for the treatment of PTSD Bufka, Lynn F. American Psychological Association(2020) Multicultural therapy : a practice imperative Vasquez, Melba Jean Trinidad American Psychological Association(2022) Mindfulness-based interventions for trauma and its consequences Kearney, David J American Psychological Association(2020) Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy Russell, Mark C American Psychological Association(2022) Crises in the psychotherapy session : transforming critical moments into tu.. Ford, Julian D American Psychological Association(2021) Alternative therapies for PTSD : the science of mind-body treatments Motta, Robert W American Psychological Association(2020) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20