FLexSign: A lexical database in French Sign Language (LSF). Establishing construct validity for dynamic measures of behavior using naturalistic study designs. Continuous motion tracking for accurate and efficient color vision assessment. Enhancing eye tracking for nonhuman primates and other subjects unable to follow instructions: Adaptive calibration and validation of Tobii eye trackers with the Titta toolbox. Using large language models to estimate features of multi-word expressions: Concreteness, valence, arousal. Affective Norms for German as a Second Language (ANGL2). The power of effect size stabilization. Predicting high variability in imageability ratings across age groups and its influence on visual word recognition. Cross-species real-time detection of trends in pupil size fluctuation. Toward an Asian-based bodily movement database for emotional communication. DerLex: An eye-movement database of derived word reading in English. Dance with me? Analyzing interpersonal synchrony and quality of interaction during joint dance. Motor styles in action: Developing a computational framework for operationalization of motor distances. The PSR corpus: A Persian sentence reading corpus of eye movements. The forced-response method: A new chronometric approach to measure conflict processing. The fundamentals of eye tracking part 1: The link between theory and research question. BRAND: Brand recognition and attitude norms database. Assessing the data quality of AdHawk MindLink eye-tracking glasses Large eye-head gaze shifts measured with a wearable eye tracker and an industrial camera. A hybrid approach to dynamic cognitive psychometrics : Dynamic cognitive psychometrics. The Index of Intrusion Control (IIC): Capturing individual variability in intentional intrusion control in the laboratory The effectiveness of warning statements in reducing careless responding in crowdsourced online surveys. What do we manipulate when reminding people of (not) having control? In search of construct validity. Automated scoring of the autobiographical interview with natural language processing. Development of an open-source solution to facilitate the use of one-button wearables in experience sampling designs. Implementation of an online spacing flanker task and evaluation of its test-retest reliability using measures of inhibitory control and the distribution of spatial attention. On the reliability of value-modulated attentional capture: An online replication and multiverse analysis Short-time AOIs-based representative scanpath identification and scanpath aggregation Some students are more equal: Performance in Author Recognition Test and Title Recognition Test modulated by print exposure and academic background Diminished diversity-of-thought in a standard large language model Can generative AI infer thinking style from language? Evaluating the utility of AI as a psychological text analysis tool Can large language models help augment English psycholinguistic datasets? Automated facial expression measurement in a longitudinal sample of 4- and 8-month-olds: Baby FaceReader 9 and manual coding of affective expressions Ant colony optimization for parallel test assembly Handling dependent samples in meta-analytic structural equation models: A Wishart-based approach. thebeat: A Python package for working with rhythms and other temporal sequences. Statistical power analysis and sample size planning for moderated mediation models. The Index of Intrusion Control (IIC): Capturing individual variability in intentional intrusion control in the laboratory. Measurement reactivity in ambulatory assessment: Increase in emotional clarity over time independent of sampling frequency. The Emotion-to-Music Mapping Atlas (EMMA): A systematically organized online database of emotionally evocative music excerpts. Revisiting Snodgrass and Vanderwart in photograph form: The Keele Photo Stimulus Set (KPSS). Evaluating two small-sample corrections for fixed-effects standard errors and inferences in multilevel models with heteroscedastic, unbalanced, clustered data. eyeScrollR: A software method for reproducible mapping of eye-tracking data from scrollable web pages. Modality matters: Three auditory conflict tasks to measure individual differences in attention control. A Mixture Fluency model using responses and response times with cognitive diagnosis model framework. NSP-SCD: A corpus construction protocol for child-directed print in understudied languages. Many nonnormalities, one simulation: Do different data generation algorithms affect study results? LASTU: A psycholinguistic search tool for Finnish lexical stimuli. Beyond alpha and omega: The accuracy of single-test reliability estimators in unidimensional continuous data. Multilevel modeling in single-case studies with zero-inflated and overdispersed count data.