02841 서울 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 도서관 학술정보큐레이션부 | E-MAIL libres@korea.ac.kr
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POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / City Planning & Urban Development
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총 21건 중 1 - 20건 출력
1Book InfoOil Spaces: Exploring the Global PetroleumscapeDOAB Directory of Open Access Books2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)Taylor & Francis eBooks (Open Access)2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
2Book InfoOwning the City: Property Rights in Authoritarian RegimesOlive, Marsha McGrawProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
3Book InfoOwning the StreetAmelia ThorpeEBSCO e-Book Collection (NetLibrary 20th) - 20222020전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
4Book InfoOhnmacht der Städte: Neue Aufgaben für Bürgermeister und StadträtePeter EichhornEBSCO eBooks2019전문보기 (Full Text Access)
5Book InfoOrganicity: Entropy or EvolutionDobereiner, DavidEBSCO eBooks2019전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2019전문보기 (Full Text Access)
6Book InfoOrder Without Design: How Markets Shape CitiesBertaud, AlainEBSCO e-Book Collection (NetLibrary 18th) - 20202018전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2018전문보기 (Full Text Access)
7Book InfoThe One-Way Street of Integration: Fair Housing and the Pursuit of Racial Justice in American CitiesGoetz, Edward G.EBA Package: All english-language eBooks2018전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2018전문보기 (Full Text Access)
8Book InfoOld Europe, New Suburbanization?: Governance, Land, and Infrastructure in European SuburbanizationPhelps, Nicholas A.EBSCO e-Book Collection (NetLibrary 16th) - 20182017전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2017전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2017전문보기 (Full Text Access)
9Book InfoOrganická modernita: Ekologicky šetrné tendence v československém urbanismu a územním plánování (1918-1968)Dostalík, JanEBSCO eBooks2015전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2015전문보기 (Full Text Access)
10Book InfoOn a Sustainable Future of the Earth's Natural ResourcesSpringer e-Book Collection (2013)2013전문보기 (Full Text Access)
11Book InfoOECD Territorial Reviews: The Gauteng City-Region, South Africa 2011OECDOECD-iLibrary Books, Papers & Statistics2012전문보기 (Full Text Access)
12Book InfoOn Location: Heritage Cities and SitesSpringer e-Book Collection (2012)2012전문보기 (Full Text Access)
13Book InfoOnline Research Methods in Urban and Planning Studies: Design and OutcomesSilva, Carlos NunesEBSCO e-Book Collection (NetLibrary 12th) - 20142012전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2012전문보기 (Full Text Access)
14Book InfoOrganizing Democratic Choice: Party Representation Over TimeIan Budge | Michael McDonald | Paul Pennings | Hans KemanOxford Scholarship Online2012전문보기 (Full Text Access)
15Book InfoOttoman Izmir: The Rise of a Cosmopolitan Port, 1840-1880Zandi-Sayek, SibelProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2011전문보기 (Full Text Access)
16Book InfoOnce the American Dream: Inner-ring Suburbs of the Metropolitan United StatesHanlon, BernadetteProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2009전문보기 (Full Text Access)
17Book InfoObject-based Image Analysis: Spatial Concepts for Knowledge-driven Remote Sensing Applications (Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography)Springer e-Book Collection (2008)2008전문보기 (Full Text Access)
18Book InfoOrganizing Access To Capital: Advocacy And The DemocratizationSquires, GregoryProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2003전문보기 (Full Text Access)
19Book InfoOrganizing the South Bronx (Suny Series, the New Inequalities)Rooney, JimEBSCO eBooks1995전문보기 (Full Text Access)
20Book InfoThe Organic City : Urban Definition and Neighborhood Organization 1880-1920Melvin, Patricia MooneyEBSCO eBooks1987전문보기 (Full Text Access)
02841 서울 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 도서관 학술정보큐레이션부 | E-MAIL libres@korea.ac.kr
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02841 서울 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 도서관