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HISTORY / Wars & Conflicts / World War I
각 전자책을 클릭하여 상세정보를 조회하거나 제공 사이트를 클릭하여 전문을 조회하실 수 있습니다.
총 667건 중 1 - 20건 출력
1Book InfoA Nation of Refugees: Russia's Jews in World War IPolly ZavadivkerOxford Scholarship Online 20242024전문보기 (Full Text Access)
2Book InfoVanquished and Victorious: World War One Veterans in Austria and Czechoslovakia, 1918-1938Václav Šmidrkal | Laurence Cole | Hannes Leidinger | Rudolf KučeraBooks at JSTOR: Open Access2024전문보기 (Full Text Access)
3Book InfoFirst World War Diary of Noël Drury, 6th Royal Dublin Fusiliers: Gallipoli, Salonika, The Middle East and the Western FrontCambridge Books Online (Evidence Based Acquisition)2023전문보기 (Full Text Access)
4Book InfoGothic Fiction and the Writing of Trauma, 1914-1934: The Ghosts of World War OneSmith, AndrewCambridge Books Online (Evidence Based Acquisition)2023전문보기 (Full Text Access)
5Book InfoMedical Caregiving Narratives of the First World War: Geographies of CareAllitt, MarieBooks at JSTOR: Open Access2023전문보기 (Full Text Access)DOAB Directory of Open Access Books2023전문보기 (Full Text Access)OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)2023전문보기 (Full Text Access)
6Book InfoBelleau Wood and Vaux: 1 to 26 June & July 1918Otte, MaartenEBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
7Book InfoBeyond the Great War: Making Peace in a Disordered WorldDe Gruyter e-Book EBA All English Package (Perpetual)2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
8Book InfoLa France Devant L'AllemagneClemenceau, Georges | LigaranProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
9Book InfoLafayette We Are Here!: 6Th June 1918: The American Marines Attack Belleau WoodJean-Michel StegEBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
10Book InfoMisfire: The Sarajevo Assassination and the Winding Road to World War IMiller-Melamed, PaulOxford Scholarship Online2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
11Book InfoMore Precious Than Peace: A New History of America in World War IDoenecke, Justus D.EBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
12Book InfoOn the Other Shore: The Atlantic Worlds of Italians in South America during the Great WarGalante, John StarostaEBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
13Book InfoOut of Line, Out of Place: A Global and Local History of World War I InternmentsEBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
14Book InfoPosthumous Lives: World War I and the Culture of MemoryLondon, BetteEBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
15Book InfoReichskanzler Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg 1909-1921: Rekonstruktion seines verlorenen Nachlasses. Herausgegeben und bearbeitet von Winfried Baumgart. 2 TeilbändeBooks at JSTOR: Open Access2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)DOAB Directory of Open Access Books2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
16Book InfoThese Englishmen Who Died For France: 1St July 1916: The Bloodiest Day In British HistoryJean-Michel StegEBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
17Book InfoVictims' State: War and Welfare in Austria, 1868-1925Hsia, Ke-ChinDOAB Directory of Open Access Books2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)Oxford Open Ebooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)Oxford Scholarship Online2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)Project Muse Open Access ebooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
18Book InfoWorldmaking in the Long Great War: How Local and Colonial Struggles Shaped the Modern Middle EastWyrtzen, JonathanEBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
19Book Info1918-2018 Cento anni della Grande Guerra in ItaliaDe Paulis, Maria | Belviso, FrancescaEBSCO eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)DOAB Directory of Open Access Books2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
20Book InfoAn American in Europe at War and Peace: Hugh S. Gibson's Chronicles, 1918-1919EBA Package: All English-Language eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
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