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SOCIAL SCIENCE / LGBTQ+ Studies / Gay Studies
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총 640건 중 1 - 20건 출력
1Book InfoHow Gay Men Prepare for Death: The Dying BusinessRobinson, PeterDOAB Directory of Open Access Books2023전문보기 (Full Text Access)Emerald Open Access Books2023전문보기 (Full Text Access)OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)2023전문보기 (Full Text Access)
2Book InfoQueer Jewish Lives Between Central Europe and Mandatory Palestine: Biographies and GeographiesEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
3Book InfoQueer Kinship on the Edge? Families of Choice in PolandMizielińska, JoannaDOAB Directory of Open Access Books2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)Taylor & Francis eBooks (Open Access)2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
4Book InfoRacism and the Making of Gay Rights: A Sexologist, His Student, and the Empire of Queer LoveMarhoefer, LaurieEBSCO e-Book Collection (Individual Purchase) - GOBI 20232022전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
5Book InfoUnbehaglich Queer: Das ernste Spiel mit der AnerkennungGössl, Martin J.Books at JSTOR: Open Access2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)DOAB Directory of Open Access Books2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
6Book InfoDisrupting Dignity: Rethinking Power and Progress in LGBTQ LivesEngel, Stephen M. | Lyle, Timothy S.EBA Package: All english-language eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
7Book InfoDrag Queens and Beauty Queens: Contesting Femininity in the World's PlaygroundGreene, LaurieEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
8Book InfoGood White Queers?: Racism and Whiteness in Queer U.S. ComicsLinke, KaiBooks at JSTOR: Open Access2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)DOAB Directory of Open Access Books2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
9Book InfoHomo Psyche: On Queer Theory and ErotophobiaAshtor, GilaEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
10Book InfoIndiscreet Fantasies: Iberian Queer CinemaEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
11Book InfoRacial Erotics: Gay Men of Color, Sexual Racism, and the Politics of DesireHan, C. WinterEBSCO eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
12Book InfoRegulating homosexuality in Soviet Russia, 1956-91: A different historyAlexander, RustamEBSCO eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
13Book InfoScreen Love: Queer Intimacies in the Grindr EraRoach, TomEBSCO eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
14Book InfoStreetwalking: LGBTQ Lives and Protest in the Dominican RepublicLara, Ana-MaurineEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
15Book InfoMale Homosexuality in 21st-Century Thailand: A Longitudinal Study of Young, Rural, Same-Sex-Attracted Men Coming of Agede Lind van Wijngaarden, Jan WillemCambridge Books Online (Evidence Based Acquisition)2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)
16Book InfoA Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, and QueersGieseking, Jen JackBooks at JSTOR: Open Access2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)DOAB Directory of Open Access Books2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
17Book InfoBlack Queer Freedom: Spaces of Injury and Paths of DesireAvilez, GerShunEBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
18Book InfoCome Out, Come Out, Whoever You AreAbigail C. SaguyOxford Scholarship Online2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
19Book InfoGender, Intersections, and Institutions: Intersectional Groups Building Alliances and Gaining Voice in GermanyProject Muse Open Access ebooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)Books at JSTOR: Open Access2017전문보기 (Full Text Access)DOAB Directory of Open Access Books2017전문보기 (Full Text Access)OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)2017전문보기 (Full Text Access)
20Book InfoGothic Architecture and Sexuality in the Circle of Horace WalpoleReeve, Matthew M.EBA Package: All english-language eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
02841 서울 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 도서관 학술정보큐레이션부 | E-MAIL libres@korea.ac.kr
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02841 서울 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 도서관