Offers step-by-step expert advice that empowers women to understand and overcome the conflicts they face at work with coworkers and managers. Are you being harassed? Micromanaged? Or just plain annoyed by your gum-chewing, music-playing, lunch-stealing coworker? Are you ready to blow this popsicle stand and move on to a new job? Then let this book guide you through this process. Beginning with 15 common workplace personalities that you have likely encountered, this book helps you to diagnose your situation, and provides empowering strategies for dealing with this situation and preventing future disputes. Based on the latest research in the dispute resolution field, and decades of workplace mediation experience, these stories are based on real-life examples (though names have been changed to protect those who should be ashamed of themselves). Women are finally being given the training and opportunities to succeed in the workplace, but societal norms are still in the stone-age. This book offers concrete suggestions for women to determine their boundaries and strategies for reinforcing those boundaries. Women shouldn't have to choose between being a baby or a bully. Women have amazing empathic and social skills--so why not build on those skills, armed with years of research and ideas, to create the career you have worked for? Perhaps it's not just one mansplainer, or one frustrating coworker, but a whole department? Managerial style? Systemic issues? A toxic workplace that is in need of some major rebranding? This book is aimed at the frustrated employee, manager, conflict resolution practitioner, and HR office. There are simple skills to empower any employee. For the management team, learn how to design an effective training, identify red flags, triage employee concerns, and build a healthy workplace. As impossible as that may sound right now, it actually is achievable with some practical suggestions and a bit of work. So buckle up, grab some popcorn, and prepare for some great stories that will help you to take control of your worklife. This is a light-hearted guide for the heavy-hearted employee. This is the only book to take decades of conflict research and workplace examples and brings them to the hands of those who need this information: the workers going through difficult conflicts. The purpose of this book is to empower women in a frustrating office to not just understand the conflict but give them the tools to grow through it. This book takes the numerous academic studies about resolving workplace conflict, as well as experience from the mediation table, and provides a step-by-step guide for employees to resolve their own conflict. It is designed to be relatable, drawing upon numerous personalities, real examples, in a variety of settings, so that the reader can find comfort in knowing that others have worked through similar situations. The book is also humorous, to help ease the anxiety of a tense worker. The goal is to give the average employee the skills to understand and grow through their current workplace conflict. 15 frustrating workplace personalities and situations are described, and then examined from the female viewpoint or response.