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Shipwrecks and the Maritime History of Singapore
Author -
ISBN 978-981-5104-27-1 | 978-981-5104-47-9
On 16 June 2021 the National Heritage Board announced the conclusion of the archaeological excavation of two shipwrecks Singapore's eastern approach. This book documents these wrecks, complemented by essays on Singapore's maritime history, from Temasek in the fourteenth century through the emergence of country trade in the late eighteenth century.

On 16 June 2021 the National Heritage Board announced the successful conclusion of the archaeological excavation of two shipwrecks at the eastern approach to Singapore. This maritime archaeology excavation, the largest in Singapore's waters, was conducted by the Archaeology Unit of the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute over a six-year period. This book documents these two shipwrecks, complemented by essays on Singapore's maritime history, from Temasek in the fourteenth century through the emergence of country trade in the late eighteenth century. These two shipwrecks challenge us to rethink Singapore's history as globally connected, determined by what was happening on the seas in and around the island.

About the Author

Kwa Chong Guan is a Senior Fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Associate Fellow at the Temasek History Research Centre and Adjunct (Hon.) Associate Professor at the History Department, National University of Singapore.