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Beyond Combat: Women and Gender in the Vietnam War Era
ISBN 978-0-521-12741-7 | 978-0-521-76275-5 | 978-0-511-98053-4 | 978-1-139-13765-2 | 978-1-139-13920-5 | 978-1-139-13996-0 | 978-1-139-14166-6 | 978-1-139-14255-7 | 978-1-139-14498-8 | 978-1-283-31517-3
Beyond Combat investigates how the Vietnam War both reinforced and challenged the gender roles that were key components of American Cold War ideology. Refocusing attention onto women and gender paints a more complex and accurate picture of the war's far-reaching impact beyond the battlefields. Encounters between Americans and Vietnamese were shaped by a cluster of intertwined images used to make sense of and justify American intervention and use of force in Vietnam. These images included the girl next door, a wholesome reminder of why the United States was committed to defeating Communism, and the treacherous and mysterious 'dragon lady', who served as a metaphor for Vietnamese women and South Vietnam. Heather Stur also examines the ways in which ideas about masculinity shaped the American GI experience in Vietnam and, ultimately, how some American men and women returned from Vietnam to challenge homefront gender norms.

"Beyond combat : women and gender in the Vietnam War incorporates new voices into the Vietnam War narrative by looking at women's experiences. It also examines the ways in which ideas about masculinity shaped the American GI experience in Vietnam, ultimately how some American men and women returned from Vietnam to challenge home front gender norms"--