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Clinical nurse leader certification review
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ISBN 978-0-8261-6456-8 | 978-0-8261-6457-5

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The third edition of this gold standard for CNL certification review continues to provide healthcare facilities and clients with validation of the qualifications and knowledge of this advanced nursing generalist practice role. This certification review is a product of Dr. King's rigorous exam preparation course, which resulted in a 100% pass rate among students. This review serves as a helpful guide for faculty on how to design CNL review courses, and has been used to teach in CNL programs, as well as for students and nurses preparing to take the exam.

Following an introductory section examining the CNL role, how to make the best use of the review, and strategies for taking tests, this text is organized to reflect the latest exam content outline, mirroring the domains and subdomains of the exam. It provides detailed information on how to analyze and interpret exam questions, disseminates expert test-taking skills, and offers a detailed content review of everything you need to know for exam success. It delivers new information corresponding to the new Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) outline, with updated chapters on healthcare advocacy and ethics, lateral integration, interprofessional skills, team coordination, and evidence-based practice.

New to the Third Edition:

  • Reflects updates and revisions based on the most recent exam content outline
  • Provides 200 new multiple-choice Q&As with rationale created from scratch
  • Delivers 16 new unfolding case studies
  • Offers new objectives, updated summaries, and innovative review activities to reinforce material in each chapter

Key Features:

  • Explains how to analyze and interpret questions for exam success
  • Promotes savvy test-taking skills
  • Includes a comprehensive exam with answers and rationales
  • Includes an expanded glossary and additional tables and figures
  • Provides easy access to information with an appendix that cross-references questions to appropriate exam content topics