02841 서울 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 도서관 학술정보큐레이션부 | E-MAIL libres@korea.ac.kr
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LAW / Military
각 전자책을 클릭하여 상세정보를 조회하거나 제공 사이트를 클릭하여 전문을 조회하실 수 있습니다.
총 9건 중 1 - 9건 출력
1Book InfoWar Crimes: Causes, Excuses, and BlameTalbert, Matthew | Wolfendale, JessicaOxford Scholarship Online2018전문보기 (Full Text Access)
2Book InfoWartime Captivity in the 20th Century: Archives, Stories, MemoriesEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2016전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2016전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2016전문보기 (Full Text Access)
3Book InfoThe War on Terror and the Laws of War A Military PerspectiveGeoffrey S. Corn | James A. Schoettler, Jr. | Dru Brenner-Beck | Victor M. Hansen | Richard B. 'Dick' Jackson | Eric Talbot Jensen | Michael W. LewisOxford Scholarship Online2015전문보기 (Full Text Access)Oxford Scholarship Online e-Book Collection2015전문보기 (Full Text Access)Oxford Scholarship Online(OSO 2014-2015 annual collection)2014전문보기 (Full Text Access)
4Book InfoThe War on Terror: The Legal DimensionTerry, James P.EBSCO eBooks2013전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2013전문보기 (Full Text Access)
5Book InfoWHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2013: Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorshipWorld Health OrganizationProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2013전문보기 (Full Text Access)
6Book InfoWar Powers: The Politics of Constitutional AuthorityZeisberg, MariahEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2013전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2013전문보기 (Full Text Access)
7Book InfoWe Fought the Navy and Won: Guam's Quest for DemocracyCogan, Doloris CoulterEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2008전문보기 (Full Text Access)
8Book InfoWorking for Yourself: Law & Taxes for Independent Contractors, Freelancers & ConsultantsFishman, StephenEBSCO e-Book Collection (NetLibrary 6th) - 20082006전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2006전문보기 (Full Text Access)
9Book InfoWebsites and the Law: Protect Your PositionSingleton, SusanBusiness Source Ultimate2005전문보기 (Full Text Access)
02841 서울 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 도서관 학술정보큐레이션부 | E-MAIL libres@korea.ac.kr
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02841 서울 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 도서관